With advancements in telecommunication and technology in general, it has become possible for people to work from anywhere in the world. And as the world of remote work continues to grow wider and wider, people are fast buying into the idea of co-living. Co-living refers to the practice of sharing living space with other remote workers, a concept that has made accommodation much more affordable for freelance workers.

Each occupant usually has their own bedroom and bathroom, and only common living areas like the living room and kitchen are shared. However, like all working arrangements, working from home is difficult at times, especially when you’re feeling unmotivated and uninspired. Here are 4 ways in which you can remain productive while working from a coliving space.

Choose Your Flat-Mates wisely

One important aspect of co-living is that you get to share a common working space as well. For this reason, it’s important to be proactive when looking for people to co-live with. It would be a good idea to find someone with similar needs as yours; the last thing you’d want is to share living space with a session singer that keeps doing vocal warmups while you’re trying to summarize a financial report.

Create a Routine

Most people love remote work due to the flexibility it offers. However, with no set timelines, you may find yourself losing focus, and struggling to the point of lethargy to make deadlines. Drafting a simple routine, creating a to-do list and following it will ensure all your time is accounted for, and all your tasks have an allocated time spot.

When you plan in advance how you’ll spend your working hours, you’re less likely to waste time or spend more time than you need to on one task. It will help to have a flexible routine that you can modify over time as you look for that sweet spot.

Breaks, Breaks, Breaks

When you’re in charge of your own working hours, you may forget to prioritize rest and taking breaks in between the working day. While planning a schedule, it’s important to allocate enough time to rest in between the day.

This will give you enough time to get up from your desk and take a walk outside or up on the rooftop. This way, you’ll find that you’re fresh all through the day without taking a toll on the amount of work you do.

Exercise Regularly

For freelancers who spend most of their time hunched over their computers, it’s important to set aside some time each day to work out. Regular exercise will ensure that you remain fit and active and will also help prevent neck and back pains.

This workout routine doesn’t have to be too demanding. Yoga and other non-conventional means of exercising have also been shown to have powerful meditative, therapeutic effects.

Are You Interested in Co-Living?

Co-living is the best solution for the modern freelancer who wants to work from home but who would also still like to work with a few like-minded individuals. By coming up with a routine and sticking to it, looking for suitable flat-mates, exercising and taking enough breaks, you’ll be able to remain productive while working from coliving spaces.