It shouldn’t be any sort of surprise to find that companies such as Google and Netflix attract quite a bit of millennial talent because their company cultures are innovative, to say the least. They have perks for their employees like game rooms, napping pods, unlimited vacation days, and more. The success of companies like these seem to indicate that having great perks and services for employees is something that is good, but there is also the theory that too many treats can have a negative impact on creativity.

The challenge lies in finding a balance and then implementing ideas that are both realistic and sustainable for you and the company you work for. If you happen to be searching for ways to improve your work life and your home life, consider how some of the core benefits offered by a company can help you achieve just that.

Feel Good – Give Back

Chances are you’ll be more fulfilled at work if you’re proud of the company you work for. One way for a company to give back to the community is to establish an ongoing corporate give back program. They might sponsor things like the Boys’ and Girls’ clubs in your area, help the homeless or work to protect the environment. Businesses might also sponsor local charity events and make social good an aspect of their business culture. There are many shapes giving back can take and they can all make you feel better about the company you work for. Of course, you can give back personally too!

Getting Away

Unlimited vacation days or paid time off isn’t a new benefit, but it is becoming more common. The beauty is that if your company offers it, you can take more time to get away from workplace stress and spend more time traveling with the ones you love. Think about a week here and there or even just extending out a holiday weekend by adding a few days before or after your scheduled time off. Long-weekend getaways can help you recharge and be more productive at work. They can also help you reconnect with family.

Getting Catered Meals Now and Again

In an ideal world, things like meals that are catered would be a normal thing in the office. If office lunch catering isn’t a regular thing, your boss might cater a meal during times when things are particularly busy. It’s a thoughtful, small gesture that will take some stress off you at work.

Finding the right balance between work and your personal life is critical to both your job satisfaction and a happy home life and family. Being able to get away more often and with more spontaneity is one of the perks of working for a company that cares about the well being of its employees. Consider that the next time you are looking for a job change. Money isn’t the only thing of value a company has to offer.