From abundant natural light to reduced energy bills, the benefits of installing a skylight are endless, easily adding charisma and charm to any room by opening up a portal to the natural world outside. Although it’s easy to see why installing a skylight would be a dream project, we all know that any home improvement job comes with a price tag. So, if you’re wondering whether it’s worth investing in a skylight then, wonder no more. Continue reading to find out why skylights make a great addition to any home, including your own.


When looking for your new skylights Melbourne is the best place to start and you’ll definitely be surprised by the range of shapes and styles you can choose from. Typically, people think of the rectangular, self ventilating skylights but professionals have been working hard for years to offer a far wider range of products. Solar tubes, domed skylights and full glazed roofs are just some of the options you’ll need to shortlist before you make your final decision. Regardless of your choice, adding any skylight will improve your room’s aesthetic and add curb appeal.

Natural Light

There’s something special about organic light sources, they have the ability to improve your mood and lift your spirits. Not only do they make you feel happier, they make your room look fabulous. Adding a skylight will give the appearance or a larger space and trick your guests into thinking that the room is more open plan in design. If you’re worried about glare and damage from the direct sunlight, you can purchase skylight diffusers or window treatments so you can enjoy all the aspects of the natural light without worrying about the consequences.

Energy Savings

If you think about it logically, it makes sense. The more natural light and ventilation you have the less you’ll have to flick on the light switch or ramp up the air conditioning; less electricity means reduced utility bills. Although installing a skylight comes with an upfront cost you’ll be slowly making your hard earned cash back in energy savings. While reaping the rewards for yourself may feel good, what about the good deed you’ll be doing for the environment? Reducing your energy consumption will, in turn, save the environment and will help lower your carbon footprint. It’s a win win scenario!

Increase Your Property Value

Even if you’re not looking to upsticks and sell your house immediately, it’s always good to know that it’s value is steadily increasing. One of the main reasons that people buy houses is due to the investment that they’re making, it’s just an added bonus that you get to live there too. So, installing a skylight can help towards securing that investment by increasing the desirability and also value of your property. Another reason why this gracious home addition may attract interest from many buyers is its energy efficient features. Studies show that eco friendly adaptations, such as skylights, can increase the value of a home up to 10%.


It’s crazy to think that a simple extension of such a “normal” feature can have such a huge impact on the value, sustainability and aesthetic of your home. Now you know what benefits come with installing a skylight, what’s stopping you hitting the shops and making the investment of a lifetime.