Growing older is a part of life, but, sometimes, deciding what is best for an elderly loved one can prove quite stressful. There are different points of view about whether you should have your elderly loved one stay in their home or move them into a retirement home. There are various factors you need to take into consideration when deciding. However, at the forefront of these factors is the wellbeing and happiness of your loved ones. More seniors are leaning towards moving into retirement homes for many reasons. The move makes them happier than if they had stayed in their home.

Here are six of the reasons why more seniors are warming up to the idea of moving into a retirement home rather than live alone.

Constant Care

While having at-home care is possible nowadays, it is nothing compared to the care one receives in a home or village designed for seniors to live out their days of retirement in. In these establishments, you will find preparations for any type of care that one may require in their elderly years. This ensures that if a resident requires anything at all, at any time, they can receive it. While you might think that taking turns caring for your elderly loved-one is good enough, there will come a point where they need constant around-the-clock care that you simply cannot afford due to work and other commitments. This is one of the reasons why many seniors are looking into moving into retirement homes early on.


Comfort is another reason why many seniors are excited about moving into retirement homes rather than staying in their home. In a retirement home, a senior enjoys a higher level of comfort than living alone or with family members. Every need they have is cared for and they do not have to worry about any of their living arrangements or chores, because there are people to take care of that for them, without having them feel like a burden.


Who doesn’t want to have a lively social life? Being a senior does not mean isolating oneself from others. Seniors enjoy socializing with each other just as much as anyone else. In a retirement home, socializing is more accessible. Seniors are often excited to move into retirement villages rather than smaller retirement establishments because they allow for more socialization and a larger range of activities. If you live in California, you can look up different retirement villages online to find what each has to offer before deciding on which one to go to. If you are still unsure where to start and what to look for, the folks at give you information on the types of services such homes can provide. There are retirement villages all around the world right now, and you can easily find one near you.

Ease of Mind

Not only does living in a retirement home ease the mind of the elderly, but it also eases the minds of their family members who are worried about them living alone. Not only can family members visit and spend time with their loved ones, but they can also rest assured that their elderly family member is well-provided for and happy with others their age.


This is different from simply socializing because, when living in a retirement home, a senior comes in contact not only with others their age but also workers, volunteers, and other residents’ family members. This means they are rarely, if ever, alone. If a senior is not capable of taking care of themselves on a basic level, then a companion is assigned to attend to their needs by the home.


This is one of the most important reasons why retirement homes are quite successful and why many people choose to have their elderly family members stay there instead of alone or with other family members. One of the things that a family member worries for is the safety of their loved one, especially when they live on their own. Not only could an emergency occur with no one around to help, but they could get injured trying to do their chores or go outside without a companion. Elderly people are often forgetful, which may end up being fatal if they forget the stove on, or if they think they can do something physical since they often forget their frailty.

These are just six of the many reasons why more seniors are looking into moving into a retirement home. While sometimes elderly people do not take well to change and prefer their homes over going to a strange place, given the time, they can grow to love their retirement home and enjoy their time there with new friends and constant love and care. Whether you are a senior looking into why moving to a retirement home is better, or you are a family member trying to decide what is best for your elderly loved one, knowing this information will be quite helpful.