Introverts are often thought of as shy, quiet, and reticent individuals. When contrasted to their extroverts counterpart, introverts are sometimes seen as inferiors and believed to be at a disadvantage in life, even in their careers. Studies, however, show that this is an utter nonsense. In fact, some of the great minds in the world like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Mark Zuckerberg, and Larry Page are introverts. Career wise, there have already been so many successful introverts.
While the charismatic extroverts’ confidence is helpful in dealing with people, it does not pose an advantage on job performance. On the other side of the coin, the introverts’ calm, composed, cautious, and reserved personality are traits which most likely signify success in the work world. Here are some solid reasons why introverts have successful careers.
1. Introverts always listen
In a large group meeting, who do you think remembers most of what transpires throughout the process? Of course, it’s that somebody who listened more seriously. An introvert listens all the time. In truth, he listens more than he speaks. He processes what he hears and, whether he speaks up his mind or not, he understands matters. He has his own take on them. He most probably has the soundest judgment because he always weighs things down. So, when your introvert colleague isn’t saying anything, remember, he is thinking things through instead of not paying any attention.
2. Introverts are genuine
While introverts are shy, they make real friends and colleagues at work. They do not say things just to please anybody. They converse with someone because they want to. They are less likely to sugar coat or make white lies although they may not say things outright as they are conscious of other’s feelings. Having an introvert colleague in a busy, stressful, sometimes emotionless, work environment, is definitely reassuring.
3. Introverts are cautious
The very reason why introverts keep quiet most often is that they are afraid of committing mistakes, be it in words or in actions. While this attitude is not always healthy, in the workplace, it can be very beneficial. It preserves professionalism, keeps communicated information accurate, and inhibits consequential errors. On many occasions, professionals have proven the importance of not jumping to conclusions.
4. Introverts are self-smart
It’s amazing how successful introverts excel in both retrospection and foresight, especially with relevance to how they are perceived by other people. They are vigilant of others as they are of themselves. The offense is equally serious when they embarrass others and when they embarrass themselves. This self-awareness makes them think of how they want others to see them and of how they want to portray themselves. Keeping an eye on their own ‘identity’ or ‘persona’ in the workplace helps maintain both self-worth and respect.
5. Introverts are creative thinkers
Can you imagine how the brains of Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Larry Page, and Steve Jobs actually work? Guess not. If you can, you probably belong to the gang. These inventors have successful careers, thanks to their introversion. They are experienced thinkers. They always imagine, make connections, and innovate. It is the same brain processing that’s responsible for other introverts’ success in the workplace. When things don’t work, they revert to ‘out of the box’ ideas and come up with better workable solutions to problems. When ideas seem over-utilized, they develop fresh new ones. Everything is possible for them with nothing but their innate ability to think and imagine.
6. Introverts work independently
Introverts are not social butterflies. If given a choice, they’d rather stay at home than join a party. They would rather work by themselves than with a team. It’s not because of indifference or whatsoever, neither is it because they are selfish or think only of themselves. In fact, they prefer to work alone to accomplish things which may prove beneficial to others, regardless if others are consciously aware or not. Avoiding distractions and focusing on the task at hand are some key attributes to a fruitful career.
7. Introverts are trustworthy
Being able to keep things to himself is one strength of an introvert. He keeps both personal and professional relationships very seriously; thus, he carefully deals with shared information. This characteristic of being reliable is unquestionably necessary for keeping healthy working relations.
8. Introverts communicate powerfully
One wrong word can ruin everything. This is an unspoken rule to introverts. They are so cautious with communicating to others, and this led them to become powerful speakers once they communicate, whether through speaking or writing. Take former US President Barack Obama for example. As the 44th president of America, people often see him speak on the television, hold meetings, join conferences, and so on. To outsiders, he may actually resemble an extrovert more than an introvert. But those who know him knew his personality well. He leads while valuing his introversion. He doesn’t like the ‘facing the mob’ part of his job but does it successfully anyway. But by the end of the day, he needs to recharge to regain his energy to function well the next day. Nevertheless, the president was productive, successful, and respected all thanks to his power to relate and communicate to his subordinates and countrymen.
9. Introverts are insightful
Introverts judge less and judge slow. They take time to understand their co-workers, their actions, their boss, his decisions and situations which seem senseless and hard to crack. They plan ahead, are wise, and accurate. They bring quality results to their organization as they can discern better than anyone.
10. Introverts are passionate
As surprising as it may seem, introverts are passionate beings. They are sometimes misunderstood to be uncaring, arrogant, and aloof because they don’t seek for the ‘spotlight’. A deep conversation with a close friend appeals more to an introvert than a night out with a large group. In the workplace, they tend to be more effective in doing the tasks that appeal to them personally or tasks that would serve beneficial to many.
Countless CEOs, presidents, and other successful professionals are professed introverts. Sure, many extroverts excel in their fields too, but successful introverts have proven time and time again that they are more than capable of victory just by doing their own thing – thinking, creating, and innovating.