It’s important to be able to lock the doors of your home. Good locks provide you with privacy and security and allow you to rest easily at night. For that reason, it is best to be prompt when it comes to replacing locks. If a lock needs replacement, you should never put it off. The security of your home and your family may be at stake.
But how can you tell when a lock needs to be replaced? There are several occasions upon which it might be advisable to contact a residential locksmith.
Lost or Stolen Keys
If the key to your home has been stolen, there should be no question as to whether you need to call a locksmith – you absolutely do. Get someone who can provide service as quickly as possible. In the case of a misplaced key, however, it’s tempting to avoid the extra chore of contacting a locksmith. After all, it’s probably just in your house somewhere, right?
Probably. And if anyone were to find it, it’s very unlikely they could connect it to your home. But the chance exists, and you’ll rest easier knowing you’re secure. We recommend always changing the locks on your home in the case of lost or stolen keys.
Wear and Tear
As time goes by, your home’s lock will age. It’s only natural – it’s exposed to the elements, which can cause the metal to rust, and it’s used with regularity, which can cause it to wear down. As a complex mechanism that relies on its finely honed craftsmanship to work, you need your lock to be in good working order. Your lock could also be damaged in the event of an attempted break in. Whatever the cause, check on your lock regularly, and if you notice signs of damage or aging, consider contacting a locksmith.
Break Ins
Speaking of break ins, if someone has entered your home without your consent, it’s one of the surest signs around that it’s time to change your locks. After all, if someone got in once, they could do it again. That’s a frightening thought, but it’s best to confront it and take appropriate action. One of the first steps you should take after a break in is to replace the locks on your home to ensure that you’re safe and secure.
Changes in Living Situation
If you’ve recently been through a breakup, had a roommate move out, or moved into a new home, consider that someone who doesn’t live with you may have a key to your home. This may not feel like a very threatening situation. You and your ex may have split amicably. Your old roommate might still be a friend. It’s possible you’ve met the people who owned your new home before you did and found them to be likeable. But the fact of the matter is, not having control over every key to your home is still a risk. There’s a chance they could lose the keys, since they won’t be using them regularly, and that is not a chance you should take.
A residential locksmith will be able to help you assess the security of your home and determine what your next steps should be.