Most people do their best to drive safely. They avoid looking at their phone, keep distractions to a minimum, and practice defensive driving. However, regardless of how cautious and careful someone may be, there is still a chance they will be involved in an accident.

If someone hits another vehicle from behind after they slammed on the brakes, they may wonder if they are going to be held liable for the damages and injuries. At this point, the driver may need a new lawyer to know for sure. While this is true, the information found below may also be helpful when trying to determine who is liable for a rear-end collision accident.

Rear-End Collisions are Common

What some drivers don’t realize is that rear-end collisions are very company. In fact, according to statistics, rear-end collisions make up more than 50% of all the accidents involving just two vehicles that take place today. What this means that that about half of all accidents will involve a driver hitting another vehicle from behind.

While it may be a bit comforting to know that these types of accidents are comfortable, it may not be as nice to think about the impact it can have on your insurance.

Who Is to Blame for Rear-End Collisions?

In most cases, the driver that hit the other person from behind will be held liable for the accident. This is because of the “duty of care”. Put simply, this means that every motorist is expected to practice what is considered a reasonable level of care while they are behind the wheel. It is necessary to make sure that a person is always responsible while driving.

If someone does not uphold this reasonable level of care while behind the wheel, then police officers will consider them negligent. If the driver suddenly slammed on their brakes, it is likely to be determined that the driver behind the vehicle was not maintaining what is considered a safe traveling distance, which means they were not fully prepared for the sudden change in driving conditions.

What this means is that, according to the law, even if the person slammed on their brakes suddenly, if the driver behind has maintained a safe distance, they would have been able to respond properly. As a result, they are probably going to be considered at-fault for the collision.

Is Rear-Drivers Always Considered At-Fault?

In most situations, the rear driver will be considered to be at fault when a collision from behind occurs. However, there are some situations when this is not the case. Some of the times that the rear driver may not be held liable include brake lights that don’t work, stopping at a green traffic light, stopping because of vehicle damage, stopping suddenly to make a turn, and pulling into traffic without leaving enough room for the cars behind to react and brake.

As anyone can see, there are many factors that go into figuring out who is liable when a rear-end collision occurs. Knowing the information here can help someone be prepared for the situation and ensure they have the legal representation needed to reduce the fees and penalties they must pay if they are ultimately held responsible. Being informed and hiring a lawyer are the two best ways to handle these situations.