Moving is an extremely stressful job. Most of the time moving seems chaotic and hectic because you have to shift all your belongings from one place to another which is a hard task to do and so is relocating your life in general in your new home. But if you can schedule all your moving tasks in an organised way then you are guaranteed to have a safe, smooth, and stress-free moving experience. Well, to make it easier for you and to make your experience smooth and quite interesting we have prepared a full-proof moving plan for you in this article.
1. Book a moving company
It is a wise decision to use professional movers to figure out how you intend to transport your items to your new home, rather than doing it by yourself, hiring a vehicle like a truck. To take care of your valuable things, furniture in a proper way during this busy, chaotic moving period you should hire a reliable, reputable and licensed mover in your area. So, for a less-hectic and better moving experience open a notebook and make a list of best moving companies near you. You can also contact them to compare their strategy based on the in-house estimation of the total moving cost.
2. Create a moving checklist
Create a ‘moving file’ on your google drive in case you are unable to remember the important quotes, receipts and records related to your move. Then get a notebook to make a checklist of your belongings and prepare a routine moving task according to a moving calendar and the amount of time you have in your hand before your final moving date. Then, try to proceed to plan fully without any mistake.
3. Gather your essentials and avoid any extra luggage
Accumulate your essential elements like medications, chargers, soap, towels, toothpaste, and maybe a couple of changes of clothes pack all of them in an easily accessible open-first handbag. Prepare a list of the numbers and the sizes of the moving boxes you will be needing to move all of your belongings and also make sure that you have enough packing tape, paper and furniture protectors. And just don’t increase loads of luggage by gathering things like extra furniture, old extra clothes, carpets, cushions, extra utensils etc, better you distribute such staffs to them who needs it.
4. Keep your important documents in a safe, private place
It often happens with all of us that we forget where we put our important files and folders if we are busy in something. Firstly, gather such important staffs, and keep your private files or credit cards, ATM cards in an easily accessible as well as in a safe place. Collect your important documents like medical reports, school reports, financial documents, property related documents, bank details and organise them in separate folders or envelopes and label them properly. Also, make a photocopy of such document to retrieve them if you lose any of them in this time of moving.
5. Change your bank location, address, transfer utilities and contact local distributors for cable and internet
It’s important to take care of the details like reporting a change of address in the post office and requesting the shut off of your gas, electricity, internet, cable, etc. at your old home and arranging those services to your new home.
So, after successfully updating your new address all your mail staff will certainly be sent to your new address. But remember to update your new address to the service providers like credit card agencies, Amazon and Swiggy deliveries, airline programs, magazines, newspapers and other subscriptions. Don’t forget to transfer your bank account from your current location to the nearest branch of your newer location.
6. Prevent the extra expenses, following some creative way
Instead of increasing your moving budget by accumulating things like bubble wrap, moving blankets, and stretch wrap for easy-breakable things, use household items like socks, clothes, blankets, towels, linens provide padding and protection to fragile things like glasses, stemware, vases, platters, mirrors, picture frames, and other breakables. Pack electronics, books, or shoes safely in suitcases and if you have any expensive jewellery then put and hide them within the bunch of clothes inside your suitcase. These tricks will also make easy for you to unpack things in a new home.
Wrapping up
Towards the end of your moving schedule, when you are almost done, to decrease your moving stress a bit you can through a farewell party. Invite your friends and neighbours, bake a goodbye cake and order your favourite food to make your moving experience amazing. Don’t forget to take pictures in your old home and make it the sweetest memory.
We are really hopeful that those tricks will make your moving responsibilities easier.