Hair loss is a problem that is often overlooked. You often neglect those few strands on the pillow, clothes, or comb, unaware of the fact that you lose more of these than usual. Poor life habits and stress usually stand behind this condition. But there are some more serious causes.
This condition doesn’t ruin your physical health, but it can bring some mental issues. More on this topic find out here. Hair is the crown on every person’s head. Without it, people feel naked and ugly, especially women. Luckily, there are ways to fix this problem and even wholly solve it. But above all, it is essential to find out the cause of alopecia.
A majority of people lose hair simply because of genetics. One of the most common causes is a hereditary factor, which is called androgenetic alopecia. If this gene is transcribed in your DNA code, the increased work of sex hormones can cause the appearance of bald spots already at puberty.
Men would notice flaps or bald spots in the middle of the head. Women will see thinning and weakening of the strands, as well as pulling of the scalp line. On this issue, ladies have slightly better genetics because these forms of alopecia are less common.
Poor Nutrition
One reason for hair loss that you may not have thought about is poor nutrition. It contributes to stress on your body. Lack of essential nutrients and vitamin deficiency can cause an imbalance in your hormones, resulting in strand thinning and eventual loss.
It’s important to eat a diet that has plenty of B vitamins, protein, and iron. Lack of these will slow down blood flow on your head. That way, follicles won’t get essential nutrients. No protein will lead to making strands brittle, like keratin dissolves when they reach growth potential. And if you don’t keep keratin level optimal, there will not be enough building material for new strands to create.
Insufficient protein intake is the main trigger of hair loss. You deprive your body of amino acids that make up the building blocks of the strands. That usually happens when you’re on a low-protein diet. Other protein deficiency symptoms include fatigue, weakness, poor concentration, nausea, and diarrhea. If you spot these at the same time, seeing your doctor or health care professional is recommended.
Excessive nutrient intake can be just as problematic as their deficiency. Vitamin A is needed for a healthy scalp, as is zinc, which both are vital for the growth and strength of your follicles. Sometimes people who take large amounts of these nutrients can’t receive enough of them. In the long run, that results in malnutrition.
Prescription Drugs
A secondary reason for vitamin deficiencies can be overusing certain medications. Some prescription drugs can disrupt hormone levels inside your body. That can affect how much sebum (the oil that protects strands and head skin) is produced. If it’s decreased, follicles become weakened, and hair loss becomes more severe.
Suppose you take medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, Lupus, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, or respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis or emphysema. In that case, you can expect hair falling as a common side effect. It should stop when you are done with medicine taking. But as soon as you see that condition is getting worse, you should contact your physician. Discuss the possibility of altering your therapy or finding a solution for alopecia.
Impaired Health
Common reasons for balding are infections and diseases. Different inflammations, arthritis, heart issues, and even depression can result in losing hair. That will happen not just on the head but the entire body. Some bacterial and fungal infections can also attack follicles and destroy them.
On the following source, learn how to spot serious hair loss:
Hair loss occurs as one of the most unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy. This type of radiation affects all cells in the body, not just malignant cells. The drugs used in this treatment, cytostatic, act quite aggressively on cancerous cells. They also destroy or damage nearby, healthy follicle cells.
Hormone Imbalance
The hormone estrogen plays a vital role in keeping follicles from becoming saturated with sebum. This oil prevents the enzymes in your scalp from creating dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This compound causes alopecia in both males and females. DHT prevents the follicles from producing keratin, the protein that builds strands.
Hormone imbalance can cause temporary or permanent hair loss. These changes are more common in women as they go through the hormonal roller coaster during pregnancy, childbirth, and later menopause. Also, conditions such as anorexia, diabetes, polycystic ovary affect the change in hair quality.
Testosterone plays an essential role in stimulating new follicle cell growth. Its production can also be interrupted by certain conditions, which can lead to hormonal imbalance. That’s why diagnosing the primary disease is a must. That will be a basis for treating hair loss.
Aggressive Treatments and Cosmetics
The reason behind hair loss for women over 50 is usually years of exposing hair to aggressive treatments and products. An amateurish hairdresser and poor-quality dye can cause much damage to follicles. It may not be visible immediately, but it will be noticed after a few months of exposure to unprofessional work and hair products full of sulfate.
You should be cautious with using harsh cosmetics on your scalp and strands. Many would run to buy commercial hair loss treatment just because it promises excellent results in a short time. But these are nothing but chemicals.
Using them on your scalp can only worsen your condition. Plus, some chemicals used in dyes and care and styling products can cause allergic reactions. Instead, it’s way better to choose natural alternatives or DIY products made of natural ingredients.
There are different causes of hair loss, and there are various ways to solve this unpleasant issue. The approach to solving the problem is individual. If a lifestyle change doesn’t solve permanent hair loss, there is the option of transplantation or some medical treatments. It is important not to lose hope because not every loss is irreparable.