Have you been facing symptoms that you suspect are indicative of the onset of menopause? Are you still in your 40s and wondering why you’re facing perimenopausal blues so early in life? If the answers to such and related questions are in the affirmative then you are not alone. Like you, there are millions of women globally who are wondering which phase of menopause they may be in. If the signs and symptoms of menopause have started appearing to disrupt your health and daily life then you are probably in the perimenopause stage of your life. Gradually, this phase will lead up to the ultimate menstrual period and then menopause.

So, what makes menopause a concerning phase of life for women? Why are plentiful health and lifestyle hacks dedicated to the right dealing of menopause? What are the common signs and symptoms of menopause that you should be aware of as well? Read on to find answers to these and other relevant or similar questions.

What Happens when you Hit Menopause?

The waning of the ovarian functions in women begins in the perimenopausal period. This can be attributed to a decrease in the levels of estrogen in their bodies. Declining estrogen levels, coupled with other hormonal changes, bring about new experiences such as mood swings and hot flashes. These changes are accompanied by irregular periods and a spate of changes triggered off by the unprecedented changes in their menstruation cycles. Irritability, nervousness, sleep disorders, and general weakness are among the other tell-tell signs and symptoms of menopause that most women experience at some stage or the other across their lifetime. Having said this, menopause refers to that time in a woman’s life when she misses her regular menstrual cycle for 12 months in a row.

Typically, menopause marks the cessation of the menstrual cycles. The diagnosis of menopause takes place once no period occurs for 12 consecutive months. This life stage can take place at any age after the onset of the 40s. More commonly, menopause occurs after women enter their 50s. The process of menopause is a natural and biological one. The challenge for perimenopausal and menopausal women lies in combatting the physical and emotional symptoms that start taking place as menopause nears. Hot and cold flashes become common. The emotional symptoms connected with menopause are capable of disrupting regular sleep patterns.

Resultantly, the energy levels in menopausal women start declining. This, in turn, impacts their emotional and mental health adversely. Fortunately, there are several helpful remedies available to help women overcome the agonizing signs and symptoms of menopause. According to experts at Patch MD, there are several types of effective treatment available. These range from hormone therapy to dermal patches and lifestyle adjustments. The signs of menopause are diagnosed by health specialists and the right remedies recommended accordingly.

Signs of Menopause

When women start approaching their perimenopause or menopause years, it is common for them to experience the following symptoms. These signs of menopause include and are not limited to irregular periods, chills, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep-related issues, and mood swings. The other symptoms of menopause include slow metabolism and weight gain, dry skin, thinning hair, and loss of the fullness in breasts. Along with these symptoms, there are evident changes in the regularity and flow of menstrual cycles. These symptoms of menopause are not the same for all and may be different for different women. The most common of these symptoms relate to at least some degree of irregularity in periods.

A break in regular menstrual cycles is common and expected during perimenopause. It has been observed that menstrual cycles skip a month or two and then they come back to normal. In certain cases, the menstrual cycles may be disturbed for many months in a row only to return to their normal state again. Sometimes, the menstrual cycles shorten in duration and come closer than what they were earlier on. Despite these irregularities in periods, women can undergo pregnancy. Therefore, if you have not had your periods for a month, and are still unsure about the onset of perimenopause or menopause, then its recommended that you perform a pregnancy test. The results of the pregnancy test will help you ascertain the status of menopause.

Is a Doctor’s Visit Required?

If you are in the habit of visiting your preferred health practitioner at regular intervals for preventive health care then it’s advised that you continue doing so. This will help in the timely diagnosis of the onset of menopause thereby preparing you for the inevitable. In-time diagnosis of the problems on hand will keep medical concerns at bay. Your doctor would check for hormonal changes to determine the state of your physical and emotional health. Once the problem is assessed and determined, you may be asked to go through a series of tests, supplementation, lifestyle changes, and so forth.

With age catching up with you, it is recommended that you invest in preventive health care as early as you can. Health screening tests of the likes of colonoscopy, mammography, triglyceride screening, and so forth are some of the many preventive tests that can put your health in the right spot. Breast and pelvic examinations and thyroid tests are the most recommended and common of the lot. In case you’ve experienced bleeding for the vaginal area after the onset of menopause, then it’s important to seek medical help as fast as possible.

Last Word

Menopause can be a result of a natural reduction of the hormones linked with reproduction. The production of lesser quantities of progesterone and estrogen in the ovaries leads to a decrease in infertility. The menstrual cycle starts becoming irregular -longer, shorter, lighter, heavier, and so forth. The right way forward lies in consulting a doctor if you have been grappling with the above-mentioned symptoms of menopause for months in a row. Timely interventions and treatment can help you enjoy the remaining parts of your life as normally as possible. After all, menopause is an avoidable natural process that comes in every woman’s life!