Steam cleaning has become the cleaning method of choice over the last few years, and with good reason too. Did you know that a steam cleaner can eliminate a host of common allergens and up to 99.9% of germs around the home? This makes steam cleaning one of the most efficient and cost-effective methods of sanitising your home surfaces. In today’s article, we have a look at why steam cleaning should be a staple of homecare, so read on to find out more!

1. An Eco-Friendly Cleaning Alternative

With the general population now moving towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly way of life, steam cleaning is now becoming a hot favourite amongst homeowners. Steam cleaners rely solely on water to clean the surfaces in your home, making them a cost-effective and incredibly efficient way of sanitising your home. Eliminating the need for harsh chemicals is not only sustainable but also ensures that your home is free of potentially dangerous substances that are unsafe for children, pets and the elderly. Steam cleaners are also a generally affordable investment that can last you years and lots of money on cleaning products.

2. Steam Cleaners Are Versatile

Unlike the traditional mop and bucket, steam cleaners are able to clean multiple surfaces, making them an incredibly versatile cleaning appliance. Not only can you steam carpets and flooring, but you can also steam upholstery, furniture, pet bedding and even the grout between your tiles in the bathroom. It doesn’t have to stop there, though – you can steam clean counter surfaces, tables and chairs, trash cans, mirrors, doorknobs and practically any other surface in the home, ensuring that your entire household is rid from harmful dirt, bacteria and allergens.

3. Get Rid of Nasty Allergens

If you are someone who suffers from allergies, steam cleaning should definitely be your preferred method of cleaning. This is because steam cleaners can effectively rid your home of dust mites, allergens, pollutants, mould, yeast and fungi. Since most people spend up to 90% of their time indoors, it is extra important that your home is sanitised and rid of anything that may affect your health. The high temperatures of a steam cleaner make it one of the most effective cleaning tools that you can get your hands on.

4. Remove Stubborn Fat and Grease

Do you love cooking but abhor cleaning your stovetops and ovens after preparing an elaborate meal? Tough fat and grease build-ups on your cooking appliances can be one of the most difficult things to get rid of. Thankfully, by harnessing the power of steam, you can rest assured that tough grease and fat is cut through like butter. Unlike traditional cleaning methods or products that often fail to completely eliminate great, steam cleaning powers through even the thickest of grease build-ups on your grills, cooktops and oven.

5. Eliminate Pet Odours

Do you have cats or dogs at home? As much as we love our pets, one of the things most of us dislike are the odours that build up over time from pet mess. Steam cleaners are absolutely fantastic at ridding your carpets, pet bedding and upholstery of pet odours, ensuring that your home smells fresh as a daisy at all times. Steam cleaning can also kill any ticks, fleas or eggs that may be present on pet bedding or upholstery, ensuring that your furry friend is kept safe from parasite attacks.

And there you have it – just a few reasons on why steam cleaning should be a staple of your everyday homecare. We hope that this article has given you some valuable insight into all the benefits of steam cleaning.