If you are a web developer or website designer and planning to start your own web hosting business to generate more revenue, then reseller hosting is the best option to do that. Reselling hosting gives you access to server storage and allows you to create your individual customer accounts and add subscriptions to expand your business more. Basically, it is a type of hosting service where a user “resells” their hosting packages to other users or customers (owner- small business). Here are some basics about reseller web hosting that you should know before making a decision:
Reseller hosting means dealing with your customers by reselling a hosting platform where they can store all their website data and run their website actively. Through reselling you can utilise the resources like hard drive space and bandwidth of a parent web hosting company and sell it as your own. It is the best platform to start your own web hosting company under your brand name with small investment and hassles of maintaining the servers. Here is the list of things a reseller package includes for their clients:
- Enough Disc Space and bandwidth
- Unlimited domain hosting
- cPanel / WHM control panel for Linux or Plesk 17 control panel for Windows
- Website migration, unlimited domain hosting, Email Accounts, MySQL Databases and many more
- White label Hosting Solution
- Additional hosting features for clients, e.g. email, cPanel, and security tools
- 24/7 Technical support
- Domain Reseller
- 30 days money back guarantee
- Various payment options
How to select a good reseller hosting provider?
While selecting a reseller hosting provider, always compare top 3 or 4 websites because many companies offer you attractive and cheap packages but offer limited services so beware of such offers. Green Greeks a reseller hosting provider company suggests you below mentioned factors which can help you to choose the one for your reselling business.
Managed Hosting
What is more important than knowing that a highly-skilled team of experts are available 24/7 to monitor your activities and track the performance of your website? A reliable and well-managed hosting company will take care of your site by ensuring your data security and fix the technical issues in loading your website. These are the essential qualities that can’t be ignored while choosing one. To know more about their services you can check the sample site that is hosted on the same hosting server.
Flexibility and scalable
Reseller hosting business is the best way to start your own hosting company, it will kick-start your professional journey. It is one of the fastest and easiest ways to generate revenue and earn profits in a short period. So now if you have decided to continue on this track, then it is essential to pick the best hosting company that is flexible and scalable. Because in the beginning you will start with the basic facilities but as your business grows you will need new up gradations plans to manage it hassle-free.
Server with 24/7 customer support
What if your customer is facing some issues with their website and the way you are responding to them is not enough to fix that issue, then it is possible that you will lose that potential customer for future projects. Therefore it is imperative to choose the hosting solution from a company who will take care of all the technical issues and manage all your website activities when you’d failed to do that. It is advisable to test the customer support before going along with them.
White label Hosting Solution
If you’re a web designer and planning to run a small-scale hosting business, then choose the hosting providers who offer you white label hosting solutions. It is the most versatile hosting solution for those clients who want their separate cPanel control and don’t require any extensive hosting packages. Almost every hosting company are now offering packages with white label hosting solutions so choose one and resell your hosting packages with your brand name.
Website hosting is now extremely in demand; as a result, some companies offers you unlimited service packages at very affordable prices. So, whenever you search for the best reseller hosting plan for your business, make sure you do some research and find a quality host for you and your customers.
Advantages & Disadvantages of choosing a reseller hosting provider
Becoming a reseller host is one of the most popular businesses option in today’s online era. It allows you to become an entrepreneur of your own business and earn profits. The main advantages of reseller hosting are as follows:
Get complete control over resources – Reseller hosting allows to create your own plan and set your own budget according to your customers need. This will give you more control over your work and manage your clients accordingly.
Full support – A trusted reseller company that provides full support for your customers by tracing their website performance and fix the technical issues. So, with them, there is no need for the customers to look for help elsewhere.
Accounts upgrades – Many reseller hosting companies also offer accounts with attractive upgrading plans to provide more storage and bandwidth.
Reliable services – To deal with any high-tech business or service reliability is the most important factor which attracts more and more clients. Reseller is the kind of business which is reliable too with their clients.
A chance to earn more – Reseller hosting gives you an opportunity to earn more revenue with a small investment amount.
With so many advantages to having reselling hosting plans for your business website, there are also some disadvantages walking along with that you will need to take care of it before making your decision.
Cost – If you have already decided to start your own small reseller hosting business then cost can be one factor that can change your investing plans. Generally, a web hosting plan is not so expensive, but if you want to add extra features, then it may cost you more than expected.
Responsibility – Reseller hosting plans must include customer support for your clients, so it’s your responsibility to provide the necessary support, both technical and customer service to your customers.
Now it’s time to make a decision after knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of reseller hosting. So select one who follows all the factors as mentioned above and find a plan that will suit these needs without going overboard.