Our phones have become more than gadgets we once used to carry along. These devices are driving the world today. They carry the whole world inside. Our personal, social and professional lives take massive assistance from these devices. We cannot undermine the fact that smartphones are essential to successful people and doing things efficiently. We may have a liking for different brands, models.
Our primary need is to have a smartphone to get the work done. One thing we’ve got a little doubt is battery life. Smartphones are prone to battery issues as they age. It’s one of the main reasons why people leave their expensive phones and compelled to buy new ones. The battery issues include drainage, making the phone slower or switching itself off etc. Apple has always been the industry leader in mobile devices. Apple phones are loved worldwide. We’ll talk iPhone 6 battery replacement in this article.
The battery issues might have made things a bit too hard to ignore. Is it a good idea to change the phone due to the battery alone? We’re talking about it at a time when battery replacement for iPhone 6 is a feasible option. What do you say? Technology has made people learn a few technical skills. Isn’t it right? Before you go and ask whether you can do it yourself or not, we request you to have faith in yourself and show some patience. The Do-it-yourself (DIY) model has several benefits. We’re sure you would be able to change the iPhone 6 battery by the time we finish off this article. As said, you need to show patience and follow instructions carefully to change the battery successfully.
You’ve always got the option to buy a replacement battery and take it to the repair centre. There are two things to consider: time and money. Given all the options, it appears you’re the best person to replace it. The sooner you begin, the earlier you’d have the phone up and running.
(Note: We suggest using the battery, keeping it below 25% for security purposes. A charged battery is susceptible to fire or explosion under normal circumstances. We expect you to follow the basic instructions for replacing the battery successfully. The security aspect is of utmost importance. We also recommend taking a back up of your phone before beginning the repair process).
Tips Before You Begin the iPhone 6 Battery Replacement
You should arrange the work desk. You’ll need to handle a lot of screws. It’s good to have a proper, clean space to have everything in order. The use of heat requires sensitive handling. You need to apply heat to loosen, soften the adhesive grip. The phone-body and screen should be close to each other to stop the flex cable from getting broken. Replacing the iPhone 6 battery isn’t easy. It requires a lot of attention on the part of the candidate given the fragile nature of flex cables.
We’ll run through the required list of tools: Head and Pentalobe screwdriver, spudger and metal spudger, adhesive, heat gun, tweezers etc. The idea is to be organised and to make things easier. There’ll be a lot of stuff lying around and need to keep everything in order. Those tiny screws need a lot of attention to store them effectively.
- You’ve got the iPhone in your hands. Look at the bottom half of the phone. You’ll find two screws on either side of the lightning port.
- Take the metal spudger to separate the screen from the body. You need to follow a careful approach while removing it off. You need to continue using it to separate the adhesive from all sides.
- You can see the bottom half of the body getting separated. The top half has the flex cable holding it together.
- Dismantle the cable mechanism: There are two screws protecting the battery connector EMI shield. You need to pull them off. The next step involves separating the battery from the logic board using a spudger. You remove four screws around the same area. There are four flex cables – digitiser, camera, LCD and home battery, to be taken off with a caution. You need to remove the LCD structure from the phone body.
You can take a breather to regain the focus. Things have been going well so far. You’ve followed the instructions. The next stage is about showing the same attention level and accomplishing the task. You’ve crossed the first huddle. First-time candidates must be feeling good. The excitement of using the phone as you’ve used it in the past brings the focus and dedication back.
How to replace the iPhone 6 battery?
You’ll find two layers of white adhesive sitting beneath the battery. You need to pull them out to take the battery using tweezers. The next task requires a bit of sensitive handling of tweezers. You need to push, place the tip under the strips of adhesive. The tweezer needs to be rolled up, taking the adhesive out and as you pull you need to move away from the source. Those who’ve got iPhone 6s should remember that they need to follow the same process for one more time as there’s another layer of adhesive sitting underneath.
The adhesive layer would snap at some point in the process. We suggest staying away from the logic board for the next step. You need to take the battery out. A plastic spudger would help. There are chances one may cause damage to the logic board while taking the battery out. You’ve reached the stage where you can take the battery out. Yeah! You’ve done it. Who would have thought you could do it? The mission isn’t over yet. You can smell the victory as we’ve inched closer to our goal.
You need to replace the old battery with the new one. The adhesive would come handy to fix, place it properly.
Components Stare to be Put Back into Shape
You remember disconnecting the four flex cables earlier. These cables need to be connected back to the logic board. You need to fix each one individually. The four head screws should be connected holding the display cable. Your patience and focus is key to rearranging things. You need to show a sensitive touch. It’s about putting things back as they’re never taken out in the first place.
You should put the battery connector back, connect it. You can use a plastic spudger and apply pressure with fingers to press it gently across all corners. The battery connector EMI shield needs to be put back now.
We’ve reached the final stage. You need to put the screen back into place. It’s advisable, to begin with, the top-half first. There should be minimum force applied. The first step becomes the last as you put screws back standing next to the lightning port. You’ve made the iPhone 6 battery replacement successfully.
Those who’re facing issues with iPhone 6 battery should replace it on their own. The whole process requires dedication and attention. You need to take responsibility and do something about the phone which has got a lot of life left in it. You don’t want to give in thinking you can’t do it or put it aside as there’s a long waiting queue ahead of you.
About the author
Rick started his career as a blogger reviewing tech gadgets and later joined the team at whytheluckystiff.net as a writer. He spends most of the time with the team at work, getting inspiration & content for his articles as they review various tech gadgets.