There are many stages found within the current EYFS framework. This is certainly no mistake, as breaking up the development of a child into several discrete categories allows parents, teachers and caregivers to more accurately monitor how a child learns over time. One stage is often referred to by the acronym Y1. What does the Y1 stage involve? Perhaps more importantly, how can the proper environment be prepared for a child so that the learning processes themselves are enhanced? These are two questions which deserve a closer look.

The Y1 Stage Defined

The Year One stage (Y1) represents the year immediately following reception (in Wales and England). It is also the first full year considered to represent compulsory education. Children will need to have turned five years old before 1 September of the given academic year in order to be placed within Y1 settings. However, some children may be old as seven.

What Subjects are Taught During the Year One Stage?

As children should already have a fair amount of educational development, the first year is associated with a slightly more in-depth curriculum when compared to earlier EYFS stages. Here are the subjects which currently comprise the Y1 curriculum:

  • Maths (counting, basic times tables, learning forms of measurement and the ability to recognise two- and three-dimensional shapes).
  • English (phonics, writing stories, punctuation, and a full knowledge of the alphabet).
  • Science (identifying plants and animals, examining the properties of everyday materials and learning about the different types of weather).

Children therefore need to be presented with a welcoming and productive learning environment.

How to Prepare the Proper Educational Settings

It is crucial that children are placed within settings that foster a sense of familiarity and safety. This will enable them to focus more upon their studies while simultaneously becoming integrated within more formal educational settings.

In the same respect, it is important that the number of distractions are kept to a minimum. As children are naturally curious about the nearby environment, these distractions can sometimes detract from the learning processes themselves. One of the best ways to achieve this sense of productivity is through the use of a “neutral classroom”.

Neutral classrooms are rather plain in their appearance; generally defined by a single wall devoted to teaching and only a few splashes of colour. Neutral settings cause students to focus upon the actions of the teacher and the information being presented. It is also said to help the children remain calm.

Preparation is the Key to Y1 Success

All of these strategies can be used in combination with the EYFS assessment tracker by Educater. This handy software allows teachers and caregivers to proactively monitor the progress of a child within real-time settings. Therefore, it is much easier to see if any changes need to be made during the Y1 stage. Adopting the appropriate methods when a child is still young will help to guarantee a productive and happy future.