How do you like your bathroom? Clean, clutter-free, fresh-smelling, updated, or all of the above? Rightfully so if you think of the action that takes place there. Notably, some people spend an average of 3 hours a week in the toilet, 10 minutes in the shower, or even 1.5 years of their lives in the bathroom.

The quest to keep your bathroom in pristine or perfect working condition is a perennial challenge. But it can be done. There are ways or even shortcuts to make your bathroom cozier, more comfortable, and cleaner than it has been in years. Look out for our amazing yet practical hacks for your new and improved bathroom.

The Bathroom Makeover

The bathroom is one of the centerpieces of any home improvement project because it adds value and functionality to any home. Whether you go DIY or not, your goal is to upgrade your bathroom while keeping it a place for comfort and convenience.

Here are excellent bathroom improvement ideas that will keep the costs low yet make for a fantastic makeover project.

  1. Clean it like you mean it. Raid your medicine cabinet, bathroom cabinets, and storage bins. You then throw out expired, unused, or old medicine, makeup, grooming products, and the like. As for the remaining stuff – towels, toiletries, shower caps, etc. – sort them per drawer, and clean the surface and interior before putting them back in.
  2. Save space. Space is a real problem if your bathroom is small. Use coat hooks so you can hang more towels without taking up a lot of space. For clean towels, roll them in your bathroom drawers. Magnetic strips are also handy to organize metal clips, nail clippers, and those small grooming tools.
  3. Categorize your stuff. Mason jars have been the go-to storage for cotton balls, soaps, cotton buds, and other odds and ends. They keep things looking chic and organized. Also, take advantage of the space under the sink through storage bins or boxes. Choose transparent drawers so you can easily see what’s inside.
  4. Hang your toiletries near the shower. Use an organizer for your soap, shampoo, and loofah that you can hang on your shower curtain rod or pole. Organizers like this can also be used to store things in other parts of your home.
  5. Flush it. It may be high time to get rid of water-inefficient toilets. Install any of these Saniflo toilets featuring a macerating upflush system. The installation cost of this system is lower because there’s no need for additional plumbing and removing/replacing tiles. You can install the macerating unit yourself or ask a professional to do it.
  6. Take the seat. There are “unconventional” solutions to cleaning your toilet seat and keeping it smelling nice. They include DIY toilet bombs, baking soda, and even a popular soda brand. Don’t forget to rinse to remove any residue.
  7. Ready, get set, sink. Restore your porcelain sink sparkle by first washing it with soap. To target residues, use vinegar, bleach, or baking soda, and scrub the surface. For rust stains, use mineral salt or lemon juice. Don’t forget to rinse and wipe. If you have more money and time, you can add a corner sink for space and design.
  8. Aim high or low with storage. Speaking of the sink, you can utilize the space above it for a DIY toolbox containing your personal effects, such as toothbrush, hairbrush, and the like. Also, you can create a shelf above your bathroom door to store your towels.
  9. Scrub your tub. There are many ways to clean a bathtub, some stranger than others. One trick is to use a halved grapefruit to scrub the tub sprinkled with salt. Another tip combines the power of the broom and shower cleaner to remove the scum and buildup on the tub.
  10. Out with the grout stains. Use bleach, vinegar, or baking soda to remove stains or residues from your grout. The baking soda will serve as an abrasive that when mixed with vinegar will dissolve stain. Just be careful when using stronger acids because they react with grout.
  11. Polish off your faucets. Wash your bathroom taps with a soft rag or sponge and dish soap. Use a toothbrush and vinegar or lemon juice to remove any calcium buildup. Lastly, disinfect the faucets by wrapping them with paper towels dampened by vinegar.

These hacks can give your bathroom a nice, refreshed look and feel. When’s the last time you gave your bathroom a good cleaning or an upgrade? What’s your go-to cleaning hack?