Everyone loves to have pets. What most of these people don’t love is to spend the extra time and effort to maintain hygiene in the house once a pet is introduced. This leads to them living in unhygienic conditions which are harmful to both themselves and their pet.

Pets can get infected by a number of bacteria and can attract life-threatening illnesses. Similarly, many such diseases can be transmitted to the owners from the pets if proper hygiene isn’t being maintained. You must take certain steps to ensure that the conditions in your house don’t facilitate the spread of any such illness. Here’s how you can do that:

Keep Your Pet’s Bedding Clean

Your pet is likely to spend a lot of its time on its bedding. This causes the bedding to have a lot of fur, grime, and dirt. On top of that, if your pet has some fleas on it, the bedding would also contain flea dirt.

All of this makes it unhygienic to use a single bedding for more than a couple of days and it’s important that you wash the bedding regularly. Make sure that you use a dye-free detergent so that your pet doesn’t develop any rashes from chemicals.

Wash Your Hands After Touching Your Pet

As a pet owner, it’s only natural that you would want to spend a lot of your time playing with your pet or holding them close to you. While it’s a lovely gesture that brings happiness to both you and your pet, it’s important that you clean your hands properly with soap and water everytime you contact your pet with them.

This will help you in saving yourself from the risk of any infection that gets transmitted through ingestion after it’s carried onto your hands by your pet.

Offer Them Healthy Food

We love to take care of our diet and pay special attention to eating healthy food prepared in hygienic conditions. This is essential to maintain our health. The same goes for pets. Their dietary needs are also quite important and you must keep them in mind while creating a diet plan for them.

Give them meals at fixed times and make sure that the meals provide them with sufficient quantities of all nutrients. Also, you need to store the food properly. Improper storage can cause the food to get infected with bacteria that can make your pet fall ill. Store the food in a cool condition and in an airtight seal to prevent any harmful bacterial growth.

Clean Their Dishes

A lot of diseases can be transmitted through your pet’s saliva. This saliva is often dropped onto the food and water bowls that they are using. If not cleaned, the bacteria from their saliva could contaminate their food and end up making them fall sick.

Not just that, you or someone else coming in contact with the bowls could also get infected. To prevent this, you must wash the bowls thoroughly every day or even better, was it after every meal. It’s also okay to wash the water bowls once every two days.

Follow Flea and Tick Prevention Techniques

Fleas and ticks are the major cause of illnesses in common house pets like cats and dogs. These pests can lead your pet to being severely ill besides making them super itchy and causing a lot of discomfort. It’s not very difficult to prevent the infestation though.

All you need to do is to comb your pet’s fur on a regular basis to check for the development of any suspicious patches on their skin. You should also use flea prevention oils and other such products like NexGard chews from Boehringer Ingelheim that are available in the market.

Keep Your Outdoor Space Tidy

Pets love to spend their time playing outdoors. Unfortunately, outdoors is where they face the highest risk of being exposed to some bacteria that can harm them. That’s why you must keep these areas clean.

Also, you must remove your pet’s feces from the area outside your house. These feces are a major source of infection and if you come in contact with it, you can attract various harmful diseases. Clean the feces while wearing gloves to avoid any sort of contact.

Wrapping up

All of these tips are pretty simple and won’t require you to put in a lot of extra effort in order to maintain hygiene in your house. Make sure that you follow these steps to live a healthy life with your pet.