It can be horrifying to suddenly discover that you cannot find data either personal or business that you badly need. Many individuals find themselves in such a situation without knowing what to do. There are several factors that can cause this including:

  • Malware/virus attacks
  • Accidentally deleting files
  • Power failure
  • Hard drive mechanical damage
  • Water damage or other beverage spills
  • Theft
  • Floods
  • Explosions and fire accidents among many others

To know that you are safe and well-prepared at all times, you are better off backing up files. It is a vital move that ensures availability of your data, when you want irrespective of what happens.

While it is possible to do the backup on your own, it may prove to be tedious, costly and ineffective in some instances. This is the main reason why it is advisable to use a web service like Ottomatik to make sure that the job is done right. This is a company that handles millions of backups; thus, you can be sure they know what they are doing. Examples of techniques that the service provider uses to solve all your data loss issues include:

Automated Backups

Thanks to the superior services that Ottomatik avails, you no longer have to stress about backing up files. Gone are the days when you had to spend a lot of time and resources copying files and transferring them to other devices like flash drives to keep data safe.

The web service deals with this headache on your behalf by automatically backing up all your information. The process is quite simple as all you have to do is sign up for the service on the official site. From here, choose the hosting you prefer to work with before installing an SSH key on your server. This will allow you to configure and also schedule backup, so that you can sit back and let the professionals handle the task.

Providing File Backup Service

You can benefit from this by backing up directories and files using a complex pattern matching system or straightforward file naming. Different features that you can benefit from with this feature include:

  • Streaming uploads – They allow users to stream file uploads directly to Amazon S3 without having to use a local hard drive to write any data.
  • Include and exclude files so that you only backup what you want without any unnecessary extras.
  • Using your storage or Ottomatiks – Depending on preferences you can use a personal AWS S3 account or the providers’ in-built storage.
  • File rotation – It is a remarkable feature that makes it possible for clients to pick how many backup copies they want to retain, automatically rotating the files after the completion of each job.

Speedy Recovery

It will not take days or months to start using the data you restore from Ottomatik. The web service offers speedy services, so that you only use a few minutes to get all the information you need without any complications. It is something that can help you get back to business as soon as possible after experiencing data loss. It will be as though you did not just experience something traumatic.

The good news is that you do not have to travel for miles to bring your data. All you need is an internet connection to access the remote server and retrieve your details effortlessly.

Understand that you can only get back data you have stored in the first place. This means that you should prioritize backup services for your business in readiness for such eventualities.

Encrypted Backups

Ottomatik professionally monitors data to comprehensively protect clients and their businesses. They even send real-time notifications, so that you can know what is happening.

Furthermore, the web service guarantees the security of all your information by encrypting backups to enhance security. Decryption only happens at runtime and when client’s schedules operations want to access it. It implies that you never have to stress about other people, who do not have permission accessing your data in any way.

With data loss becoming a common occurrence, nowadays people are losing essential details and loads of money every day. Do not become a victim. Collaborate with Ottomatik to ensure that you have the perfect solutions to all your data loss issues and succeed in your ventures.