Reached another end of the year without a peaceful break at all? Now is the time to enjoy a stress free holiday period, to refresh your entire self, energies, motivation and excitement for the upcoming year. Everyone needs that personal time and space when he/she can actually live twice in every minute and this can only happen if you learn to stay stress free during your holidays to enliven yourself from inside out. Following are few easy tips to follow, for an incredible time during your holidays.

Break your Daily Routine

During holidays, you mostly have guests crowding your home, banking on your hospitality, pushing you to bake, make and cook from dawn till dusk. In this crucial period, you need to entertain yourself with a few breaks of at least 10-15 minutes every day, in fact every few hours, to go out and get yourself away from the kitchen, stove, cooking fumes and next meal planning. This will freshen you up and will keep you stress free.

Prioritize Your Tasks

Another useful tip is to prioritize your tasks. For this, make a weekly ‘to do list’ for yourself. This is beneficial at so many levels but most of all it keeps things organized and thus keeps a strong check on your stress level. You do not panic, because you have sorted tasks as per their priority, and you know that everything would be done at its due time. This helps you from over burdening yourself and when you are stress free, it also increases your efficiency and you work better and in a very organized manner while enjoying stress free holidays.

Cleaning Is Crucially Important

In our daily routine, we hardly find time to clean, sort or arrange things in order and naturally end up with piles and heaps of clothes, boxes, books, accessories, shoes, used linens and even cosmetics and jewelry. At the start of the holidays, the first thing to do is to de-clutter in every possible way. When you’ll have everything sorted and organized and have even gotten rid of unnecessary items, you’ll already feel light hearted and things will be easy to locate which will obviously help you in any panicky situation, keeping you calm and rationale. Consider hiring a domestic cleaning services company to do the job for you.

Say No To Gadgets, Particularly Cell Phones

Holidays can be easily stress free if you are having the best time with your family and friends. Unfortunately, we are so habitual of using our gadgets that we hardly find amusement in anything else. This timely enjoyment silently builds anxiety in our minds and thus brings stress in our day to day life. During holidays, you should bound everyone to not use cell phones or at least limit their use so the entire family can invest some time in each other and be the center of each other’s happiness.

Enjoy Some Citrus Fragrances

Psychologists have proven that the use of citrus fragrances can uplift your mood as it affects our levels of nor-epinephrine which help us fight against pressures, tension and stress. So find as many ways to use citrus fragrances in your surroundings as well as on yourself to stay boosted throughout the day. You can place delicately cut lemon or orange slices on the kitchen counters and even dining table so you can whiff these citrus fragrances constantly while you are working in the kitchen.

Don’t Indulge Into Overeating

For many of us, holiday actually means good food and happy family meals twice and sometimes thrice a day along with the evening snacks, baked snacks and party snacks. We advise you strongly against it, because once the holiday period will be over, in fact by the end of it, all the added weight that you have gained because of over eating will bring you nothing but stress. So, don’t indulge into overeating, just limit your intakes and reduce your meal portions. No one is asking you to diet or restrain from eating the deliciously cooked food but eating unaccountably will add up to your stress, by the end of the holiday season.

Go On a Family Vacation

Since everyone is busy in their own busy lives and only comes together in holiday season like this, you must use it well. Plan an outing or an actual vacation for your family so that they all can enjoy and share small things with each other. This enhances your bond with other family members and you all look forward to your holidays. A long vacation is more beneficial as you are more relaxed and calm when you have no flights to catch or to travel at night to reach back safe.

Plan Activities For Every Day

Holidays are important for everyone because you get this one chance to energize yourself and redeem your childhood with your family. So to cash the maximum benefit, you must plan indoor or outdoor activities to entertain every member of the family. Be diverse and find new family games so that you don’t bore anyone by repetition. It can be camping, a match day, outing to a nearby place, a dine out with the entire family, attending a party, going fishing, hiking or trailing or such other activities to keep everyone equally amused.

In the end, a last note to remember for you is that holidays are for you to enjoy as well. Stressing too much will spoil the time, efforts, your efficiency and mood. Whenever you are feeling you have too much in your plate, just take a long breath and don’t hesitate to share your burdens with your family.