When you’re not just having a down day, but you’re definitely in a mood slump, you need to take action. Unfortunately, while the slump may eventually go away, it could take weeks! Therefore, it is better to take some remedial actions to improve your mental health and hurry the process along. Here are six mental health tips to get you over a persistent low mood.

1. Get More Sleep

Interrupted sleep or simply not enough quality sleep can create persistent low energy levels. At this point, you’re feeling sluggish, unmotivated, and find it hard to keep going. If you’re having trouble sleeping, think about your activities before going to bed. Are they overly energetic, like exercising beforehand and not having enough time to calm the body down? Is the bedroom too bright? Sleeping in total darkness is always better. Also, if you use your phone at nighttime, it could be a blue light issue that’s disturbing your sleep.

2. Try Something to Relax You

Users of Kratom IQ often find that it provides some relaxation benefits. When you are in a slump, relaxing to reduce the stress can provide comfort when you feel bad. Also, depending on the strain of Kratom, it can offer some motivational benefits as well. Don’t dismiss herbal remedies; they might work for you.

3. Avoid Eating Your Feelings

Wallowing in your low mood and eating your feelings through comfort food is fine in small doses, but it’s a bad long-term plan. The extra weight that you’ll put on may get noticed and cause further upset. Also, it will only make you feel more sluggish. Instead, try to eat cleaner than you normally would. Look for healthy meal choices and use this as a building block to refresh your attitude towards life.

4. Do Some Exercise

Similar to not eating your feelings, you must get some exercise into your daily routine. Likely, you’ll not want to do so when feeling down. However, decide to get the body moving anyway. The movement doesn’t need to be something specific like jogging a mile. Instead, it could be just walking down to the Post Office and back to take in the neighborhood. Mowing the lawn is a good walking exercise too. Also, if you prefer sports, then arrange with a friend to go play tennis, hit the golf course, or do something else.

5. Meet with Friends

Spending time with friends is an effective way to pull yourself out of a funk. They will be able to lift your spirits. Likely, they’ll realize already that something is up and will want to talk it through with you. The process of airing it out will be beneficial, rather than leaving it all bottled up instead. Avoid staying home and not seeing anyone. That only keeps your energy low, and you likely won’t feel optimistic about the future.

6. Set Goals That Interest You

Sometimes people can be overly ambitious and set goals that require too much of them. That can lead to feeling bad because the goals are rarely achieved. If the above sounds like you, recalibrate your goals by setting some near-term ones that you can get moving on. It will be helpful if these are mini goals that can go partway towards eventually achieving the larger ones, but it’s not necessary. What is vital is that they’re smaller, achievable, and something you can knock out and tick off quickly. Doing this will make you feel like your life is back under your control again. You’ll begin to believe in yourself, and your spirits will start rising.

Use these techniques to get you moving mentally and physically to shift your focus. This way, you can move past or over the slump to have a better month.