Who doesn’t love to have as many options as possible? Similarly, when it comes to treating mental health disorders, patients should not just be stuck with the only option of seeking the help of a conventional therapist. Gone are those days when you had to set an appointment with the therapist, visit his or her office after dealing with traffic, and then sit in front of him or her for hours to complete the therapy session. Thanks to the advancements in technology, everything is much easier these days. People have the choice to seek out a new form of counseling called online therapy. Websites like e-counseling.com provide breakdowns, reviews and guides on finding the most appropriate counselor for you.

Unfortunately, there are many people with mental health disorders who don’t have the budget to afford a traditional therapist. The therapists charge you hundreds of dollars per session and this can add up real quick for most people. This is the reason why more and more are turning to online therapy. Let’s take a quick look at the reasons why people are resorting to online therapy rather than traditional face-to-face therapy.

Reason #1: Convenience and ease

For both the counselor and for his client, the most important factor is convenience and ease. The best part of online therapy is that you can save the time that you would otherwise take to commute from one place to another. You can easily perform sessions from anyplace that offers you a stable internet connection. You can also sit in your favorite room of the house, dressed in pajamas and be completely comfortable during the counseling session. It is extremely easy and effortless.

Reason #2: Online therapy reaches out to more people

As there is no geographical boundary within which you’re dealing as a therapist or a counselor, you can certainly reach out to many more people than what you could if you offered traditional therapy. For the people who go through busy schedules, for people with mobility issues, for people with some chronic pain or for new moms, online therapy seems to be the best option. It is equally as good for therapists since their reach has become that much larger.

Reason #3: You can constantly stay in touch

When you’re in grave trouble regarding your mental health, you know how tough it is for you if you have to stop your counseling sessions after a 60-minute sessions. Sometimes you need more time. By sharing every single problem with your counselor, he then becomes your best friend for life and you might reach a stage where you wouldn’t want to lose touch with him. This is not possible with face-to-face therapy as you will lose touch once you get back home. However, such is not the case with online therapy as you can always stay in touch with your therapist online.

Reason #4: Affordable and reasonable

Both in the case of the therapist and the client, online therapy is a reasonable option. For the former, he doesn’t have to rent an office and keep paying the rent. There are no added costs and hence the therapist doesn’t have to charge a hefty amount from the client. For the client as well, he doesn’t have to travel to any other place to receive the session and this saves a huge amount on traveling costs. Moreover, all you need is a smartphone and a stable internet connection to set up a video call with your therapist which is again extremely cheap.

Therefore, when you’re wondering about the reasons behind the growing popularity of the online therapy options, you should take into account the above listed reasons. If you’re someone living on a tight budget but yet who has to seek help of a therapist, get in touch with an online therapist.