An abundant collection of clothes for all occasions and any weather, but still… heaps of sweat and an hour more or less spent every morning choosing what to wear. Does that sound familiar to you?

If this situation does ring a bell, I suggest you keep reading on. Let me take you through the ideal wardrobe every gentleman must have in his household.

1. Let’s Start with the Shoes

Shoes are literally the foundation of every attire. They sit right at the starting point of passersby’s line of judgement. First, they notice your shoes, then they judge your fashion sense, disregarding what follows on top. It happens most of the time, doesn’t it?

How many shoes should you have to choose from? I say, around four. A pair for your morning jogs or when your buddies invite you to the ball, one for work (preferably leathers), casual outings (white or black sneakers? Easy to match with anything), and one you can wear for the majority of these occasions (I really like the black AF1s).

It’s very important to match your shoes with your whole outfit. It makes you look savvy, actually responsible, sensible and plain nice.

2. Don’t Forget the T-Shirts

Get a white one, a black one, something in between like red and maybe even a bright yellow shirt. Plain t-shirts are magical. You can call them your shortcut to being fashionable. Wear them anywhere and it’ll be just perfect.

Include them in your emergency go-to attires. You can incorporate a plain white t-shirt into your casual outfit – just put a coat on over it and you’ll look slick and fab. It won’t be any problem for casual occasions too. An ironed out t-shirt with your perfect black skinny jeans is beautiful with its simplicity. If you want to spice it up, you can add some prints to it. There are shops on the internet that sells shirts with prints on them. If you’re a fan of Bruce Lee, you can purchase a Bruce Lee t-shirt online at a very affordable price.

In addition, they’re usually pretty cheap. I suggest buying around six of different colors if you’re still missing out on their benefits. Planning your wardrobe can really take you places.

3. Save Up, Buy Plain Pants

It’s actually common practice to wear pants you wore yesterday, or even a week ago… without washing. I do it and everyone does it. Nobody likes letting everyone around them know that they are wearing unwashed pants!

Here’s the trick: buy plain pants and avoid getting castigated for revealing the world’s secret.

It’s a way to save up. You can have three plain pants in your wardrobe which you can wear for a whole month without washing. Don’t forget the black pants which are the staple of your pants collection.

One more thing! Did you know that keeping your pants away from the laundry prolongs their brand new look?

4. Level Up with Accessories

A classic leather wristwatch will instantly make you look steadfast.

I feel naked without any arm candies on my wrists or a wristwatch to check the time when I feel like it. Ornaments as they are, they have their purposes. Accessories let people know that you take care of yourself, manage your time in the morning to get ready to take on the day ahead, and they boost your self-confidence. How about that?

5. Organize your Storage Space

Have you accomplished all my pieces of advice above? If yes, then congratulations. However, if you only care about how you look and not how your wardrobe looks, then you’re back to square one.

Don’t give yourself a hard time in the morning searching for what can complete your outfit. Organize your clothes, set them apart by color, type or for what occasion they are to be worn. If organizing requires you to upgrade your facility, then go ahead – this won’t only clean up your space, but save you time and open new doors you never knew were there.

A Gentleman’s Life

Presenting yourself to people the way you want them to see you is a part of a gentleman’s life. If you want to be known for being responsible, dedicated, decent and the like, start with your wardrobe… it works.