If you are suffering from the very common complaint of male pattern baldness, and you’ve decided to take some action, you’re in good company. Millions of men go bald every year, and while some simply ignore it, others are seeking solutions. Men’s mental health is now in the spotlight, and men have stopped pretending that losing their hair doesn’t affect them in any way. For a man, losing his hair can be a big deal, and simply pretending that it’s fine does little to ease the problem.
If your hair loss is getting you down right now, here are four immediate actions and empowering steps you can take today, in order to take control of your hair loss.
Book an appointment with a hair specialist
If you’ve had the same hair cut for a long time, it might be time to change up your look. It’s amazing what a difference a change in style can make to a man’s appearance. Perhaps you could have your greys subtly erased, or be given a softer look to flatter your thinner hair. Hairdressers and barbers are used to working through hair issues with clients, and you may also find them a valuable source of information about coping with hair loss.
Research hair loss drugs
You can go online and read about the two main types of oral medications, and the medical over-the-counter solutions for hair loss. This will help you to decide if you’d like to try them, and which one you think would suit you best. While beginning a course of drugs is something you should discuss with your doctor, you can read all about how they work online, so that you can make an informed decision.
Join an online forum or group
The World Wide Web and social media such as Facebook is teaming with groups and forums on the subject of hair loss and male pattern baldness. You don’t have to contribute to the group if you don’t want to, but reading the experiences of other men going through the same thing as you, and looking at the answers to common questions, can set your mind at ease. You might also get some great recommendations and tips.
Look at permanent hair loss solutions
You may not have considered getting a hair transplant before, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to read about them, and decide if this might be part of your hair loss plan. More affordable options can often be found abroad, and you can look at before and after pictures online.