When you are unemployed, it doesn’t matter your employer sacked you or your employer laid you off, handling day-to-day operations becomes arduous. Your first task is to hunt a new job, but you don’t know how long it will take to finish.

Savings can support you but not for a long time. Your expenses are lined up: credit card bills, utilities, medical expenses, rent, food and drink and the like. You apply for unemployed loans; but paying them is a bit difficult because of lack of funds. Don’t let unemployment strike your finances when you have many options to earn money.


Many employed people wriggle out of cleaning their homes because of busy schedule. Take advantage of this opportunity. You will be paid on hourly basis though you will have to work like a dog. You should build your own clients, which will help you earn extra pounds.

Sell your stuff

If you look around, you will see various useless things such as worn out clothes, motorbike, closet etc. Selling old stuff will help you have more room and drop some pounds in your pocket. Advertise your commodities on online platforms that accept all things from sellers in consideration of commission.

Walk dogs

Do you love spending time with dogs? You are not alone, but not everyone has time to walk them especially in afternoon. Walking dogs is a good way to get some exercise as well as getting paid for contributing your precious time.


Babysitting usually requires license and experience. However, you are supposed to do it sporadically. All you need to do this job is patience. You must know how to look after a baby when their parents are not at home. Make sure that you do this job only if you can handle it without causing any harm to babies.

Do freelancing or a part-time job

Unless you get a full-time employment, you should look for freelancing and part-time jobs. It is not necessary that you should find a job in your profile only. If you have skills that you haven’t put to use, now is the high time you used them. For instance, if writing is your hobby, you should write for your clients to earn money.

Rent your vehicle

Often times, people need to get from A to B, but not everyone has own a vehicle. If you have a car or mini truck, you can rent them. This will help you making a lot of money.

Rent your room

Renting a block of your house can help you earn more cash. Some students like to rent a room who avoid staying in a hostel. Make sure that you draw up a valid rent agreement that specifies all particulars of security deposits, monthly rent, length of stay, and the like.

Teach English

If you have a full command over the language, you should teach students of other languages. This will hone your teaching skills along with earning money. Teaching to students of other languages is a reputable profession and you will earn handsome money.

Do odd jobs

Don’t hesitate to do odd jobs if you want to earn extra pounds during unemployment. These jobs include shovelling, washing cars, gardening etc. talk to your neighbours to know about their needs and offer them your help.

Be in for research studies

This may take some time to grab but you can earn sufficient money to fund your regular expenses. You must meet the requirements that the researcher is particularly looking for in you. You should visit the university area to get information about a particular study. If your background has been from particular field, you should ask researchers if they could involve you in research. You should also participate in clinical trials for pharmaceutical testing.

These all options can be very handy in making money to pay your bills and bear expenses. You can start with small amount of investment and can take it further according to your skills and responses from the people. Being a self-employed is another experience it give chance to explore more things like accounting, PR, conversation skills because of less resources.

If you are looking to start your own business many banks provide business loans to start your own business, apart from that another option you can go to the direct lenders, they can help if you have credit or financial debt or any other issues related to term and conditions. So unemployment is not always bad it gives you motivation to do something what you like and employ many others like you. It gives the freedom to take risk and convert it into best output. So never be afraid of your bad financial situation, it could be a chance for you to give the best what you are good at.