Writing a research paper is a complex task. The document requires a well-developed structure and full accordance with the language norms. It is easy to go to the Internet and learn structure. But managing a scientific project is still a demanding task for most students. Why does it happen? Why do students fear academic assignments?

The reason for such hesitation or even procrastination is the difficulty to start. Students are always stuck at the beginning of the paper having no idea how to cope with the hook sentence. If you know what we talk about you may need a company to write research papers for you at ease. Or you can read the article, deepen your skills, practice, and finally cope with the hook sentence on your own. Let’s figure out what are the best tips to write a hook for a research paper.

Tips for a Winning Hook Sentence Writing

First, let’s say a few words about the hook. What is it? It is the beginning of your scientific paper. The first thing that your reader sees. This is a sentence or two where you need to indicate the main topic of your paper and interest the readers. To make the readers read the paper you need to choose the correct tone, work on the sentences, and come up with power structures. You can take different strategies because there are so many variants of how to present the hook. You can pose a question, use a rhetorical question, state a controversial fact, or interest the reader in another manner.

What should you remember when creating a hook sentence? First of all, try to complement it with the whole text. Lots of students work on the hook when the whole paper is done. The hook section is supposed to describe the whole document. Therefore, you may want to leave hook sentence writing for the end. Your writing will be more engaging to read if you use the following tips.

  • Decide on the type of the hook sentence. We have already mentioned that writers can choose from a great range of options when choosing a hook. But you need to be careful here. You need to pay attention to the topic, type of paper, and your audience. Inserting a joke in a scientific paper would be inappropriate, so you should look for another hook. For example, you can include statically proven data or start your paper with a relevant quote. But another thing to remember is the credibility of the information. Whatever you decide to choose, you need to look it up in trustworthy sources.
  • Ask your reader. This is the secret that many writers use in their works. You can also try it in your research paper. When you pose a curious question to the readers at the beginning of the paper, you intrigue them. It is the most working technique to draw the attention of the readers and make them work on the paper until the end. But it is easy to fail when implementing this technique. When you pose the question you want it to be both intriguing and controversial to make other people notice it. But make sure that you have the answer to the question in the hook. If the readers don’t find the answer in the paper, they will be dissatisfied with the writing.
  • If you write a complex sentence or use 2 sentences as a hook, you can’t go without transition words. These are words to glue your sentences or ideas together. Furthermore, you can easily and smoothly transit the information from the hook to the main body of the paper using such phrases. It will make the line between the text parts less vivid. Linking words is important, but try not to overdo them. Your primary task is to render the idea of the whole text without loading the space with redundant word combinations.
  • Mind the language that you use in the hook. Nevertheless, you need a hook to draw the attention of the readers. You can’t use jargon or slang in the research paper. You can think of some kind of colloquialisms if they are appropriate for the topic. But try to avoid them and substitute them with more formal equivalents. You need to intrigue the reader with the idea or statement, and not with the choice of words. Moreover, it isn’t the best idea to use non-professional words in academic writing.
  • Get inspired by the examples. If you want to become a better writer you need to practice. Look for the papers on your topic and read through them. You will see a whole lot of examples. You can either write them down on a separate piece of paper or simply remember the main features. This way, you will learn the relevant choice of words, the best working techniques, and tone of voice in the research paper hooks.

These are the most helpful tips for you if you’re going to work on the research paper hook. Look through them and start applying for the successful hook sentence writing. It’s not that difficult to come up with an interesting sentence to introduce your topic. The audience will enjoy reading your paper with such a compelling and attention-grabbing hook.