Sometimes, you want to change your look and be bold about it. You want to exist in a way you haven’t been able to before, which might feel scary, but change can be exhilarating and something you can do in the following ways.
1. Smile Revolution
Most people judge a person by their smile. It would be nice if people only judged people by their character, but that isn’t the truth. Those who have less than perfect teeth might not be making a great impression, but you can change that with one simple decision: buying an over-the-counter teeth whitening kit.
These kits do wonders for your teeth and make you feel like a new person. You won’t be shy about smiling. You might feel compelled to smile more often, laugh louder, and to be your cheerful self. Now, it’s important that you pay attention to the directions and follow them to get the best results.
Also, if you have a major dental issue, you might want to talk to your dentist soon for a more permanent solution. You don’t want to depend on these kits all of your life, but you can use them for now until you figure out what your permanent solutions are.
2. Wild Hair
Most people live most of their lives wearing their hair in a similar style. You want to make a dramatic change, but you also don’t want to waste money or time to do so. That is more than okay because you can definitely change your look, and this step won’t be that hard.
All you have to do is change your part. The most common part is right down the middle, but you’d be surprised what a side part can do for your overall look. A perfectly conservative look can be chic, maybe even a little wild. Keep in mind that this change can work if you have regular hair or wear a wig.
With so many choices available in hair closures, changing your part is easy even if you wear a wig. You are going to have to practice parting to make sure you get this right every time, but this task shouldn’t take too long. If you aren’t sure about making this change, you can talk to your hairstylist so that he or she could give you some additional tips and confidence.
3. Wondrous Nails
Another quick, easy, and crazy change you can make to your look deals with your nails. You can find mirror nail polish. You’d be surprised how great this looks; it’s like you dipped your nails in a melted mirror.
Yes, the look is a little wild, but that is what you wanted. You’ll feel accomplished knowing that your wild look was accomplished with just some nail polish.
Follow the guidelines you’re supposed to follow so that the nail polish looks great at the end, like making sure you clean your nail bed to ensure your polish is applied evenly.
4. Bold Lashes
Your eyelashes could just do their job of keeping dust and other particles out of your eyes or be used to bring out your eyes. If you want to make a bold statement, then consider purchasing some fake eyelashes.
Put these on by following the directions and see how you look. Be sure to only purchase high-quality lashes so that they look as natural as possible. There are a lot of sizes to choose from, so talk to your beautician to see if he or she has some suggestions for you.
If you want to explore your look, then try a few options to see what you like. They are easy to put on and easy to remove, so you’re going to love this change.
These are some ways you can update your look quickly and boldly. Once you take these steps, other bolder steps are going to feel easier.