When mucus is trapped inside the sinuses, it creates a warm and moist environment that encourages the growth of fungi and bacteria. A sinus infection has painful symptoms but you can get rid of them at home. The symptoms to look out for include:

  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Stuffy nose
  • Bad breath
  • Sore throat
  • Pressure in the face

Here are some simple home remedies that you can follow to treat a sinus infection:

Nasal Sprays

You can use an over-the-counter nasal spray to reduce congestion in your nasal passages. However, you need to exercise caution when using some nasal sprays, especially decongestant types. Overusing nasal sprays can do more than harm than good.

You should opt for corticosteroid nasal sprays if you want to reduce inflammation in your sinuses. Follow your doctor’s recommendations to avoid nosebleeds. If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor before using nasal sprays.

Nasal Irrigation

This treatment option can help to eliminate sinus infections. According to a study, people who use nasal irrigation tend to have fewer headaches than those who do not. You can use a neti pot to irrigate your nose. Make sure that you do not use tap water to irrigate your nose, as it might make your infection worse.

Boil tap water to kill the bacteria or use distilled water. To make your own solution, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with another half teaspoon of non-iodized salt then stir into 2 cups of water. Irrigate your nose using a syringe or neti pot.

Over the Counter Medication

You can relieve symptoms of sinus infection by taking over the counter drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. These medications can help to relieve several symptoms, including headaches, pain, and fever. However, when you’re considering sinus surgery, you should avoid aspirin for at least two weeks before the procedure.

Steam Inhalation

Not much evidence exists to prove the effectiveness of steam inhalation but it has been said to relieve symptoms. Lean over a container of steaming water with a towel over your head to prevent the steam from escaping. Consider using a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in the hot water because it helps to fight infection and inflammation.


Drink clear fluids to clear congestion and loosen mucus. When fighting a sinus infection, you should consume the following liquids:

  • Herbal teas
  • Plain water
  • Vegetable broth
  • Hot water with honey or lemon


You need a humidifier in your home, as it adds moisture to the air. It is especially important in the winter when the air is drier. Dry air will aggravate your sinus infection but moist air helps to loosen mucus thus allowing it to drain easily.


When you have a sinus infection, you need to sleep as much as possible. Sleep allows your body to recover and spend as much time as possible fighting the infection. If you work, you should consider taking a break to give your body some time to heal. Moreover, staying away from the workplace will keep you from infecting your workmates.

Warm Compress

You should apply a warm compress to your face to relieve pressure and ease the pain inside your blocked sinuses. Making a warm compress is easy – you just have to soak a small towel in hot water then wring it out before applying it to your face.


As you can see, it is possible to treat a sinus infection at home using nasal irrigation, warm compresses, and over the counter medicines. You also need to remain hydrated and sleep enough.