Are you feeling an increased need to help the planet and wondering how to go green?
Maybe you’d like to start with a few small changes. Or perhaps you’re ready to make a huge shift.
Whatever the case, you have a lot of options.
We’ll take a look at 10 actions you can take now to give the earth a more promising future.
1. Swap Out Conventional Cleaners
If you always opt for highly fragrant cleaning products, you may want to reconsider your choice.
Some of the most harmful and toxic chemicals are utilized to give them that smell. Using these products means you’re not only putting those chemicals into the air but all over the surfaces of your home.
Stick to natural alternatives like vinegar and baking soda.
2. Cut Down on Energy Usage
There are so many ways to cut back on energy usage in your home.
For example, knock your thermostat setting down a few degrees in the winter, and up a few degrees in the summer.
Unplug appliances when they’re not in use.
When possible, wash your clothes in cold water. Then rather than using the dryer, hang them to dry on a rack or clothesline.
You can even swap out your gas-powered generator for a solar one from a site like
Of course, you don’t need to tackle these all at once. Just start with the ones that make the most sense. Over time, you can add others.
3. Stick With Organic Produce
One of the biggest assaults on the planet is the use of pesticides. These harmful chemicals seep into the soil and eventually end up in the water supply.
In the past, organic produce was considered too cost-prohibitive for many people.
However, major retail chains like Target are now producing organic items in-house. That means they’re able to offer an alternative to those formerly too pricey greens.
4. Borrow/Reuse Rather Than Buy
Have you ever thought about all of the completely usable items sitting in landfills? It’s distressing – not to mention a total waste of money.
When you purchase pre-owned items from resale shops or sellers on sites like eBay, you’re keeping all of those items out of the landfills.
Plus, if you have a library in your community, take advantage of it. The library is an amazing resource for books, music, and movies – most of which are free or available at a minimal price.
5. Conserve Food and Water When Eating Out
Most restaurants generate a tremendous amount of waste. Plus, styrofoam boxes are notoriously difficult to recycle.
Even though some restaurants are making the shift to using containers that are more easily recycled, the next step is to bring your own container from home.
If that seems too difficult to remember at this point, there are ways to cut down on wasting food and water when dining out.
For example, if you don’t intend to eat a side dish, inform your server ahead of time so that it doesn’t just go into the trash. By the same token, if you’re planning to leave the restaurant shortly, don’t let the server refill your water glass.
6. Switch to More Efficient Light Bulbs
When eco-friendly LED and CFL bulbs first came on the market, their eerie blue light was cold and did nothing to improve the ambiance of a space.
That’s no longer the case.
Energy-efficient bulbs are now available in warmer shades that provide plenty of brightness while lasting far longer than their incandescent cousins.
Plus, they use far less electricity.
7. Improve Mileage
There are ways to ensure you’re getting the best fuel efficiency that don’t require you to shell out major cash for a hybrid or electric car.
First of all, keeping your tires fully inflated will improve mileage.
Also, if you’re carrying around a lot of extra weight in your car, clean it out. Heavier cars burn gas more quickly.
Finally, if you’re going to numerous places close to one another, park at a midway spot and then walk from place to place.
8. Use Less Paper
The digital world has made many newspapers and magazines all but obsolete.
While older generations may resist this change, younger generations applaud it.
It’s estimated that the average tree – depending on size and type – produces 10,000-20,000 sheets of paper.
So the less paper you use, the less paper needs to be produced. Less paper in our lives means more trees in our forests.
Furthermore, recycling any paper that you must use for your job or at school will also help to save mature trees.
9. Insulate Your Home
Even if your attic is packed tight with insulation, you may have areas in your house where outside air is coming indoors.
That means you’ll be running your air conditioner more in the summer, and your furnace will have to work harder in the winter.
So look for gaps and cracks around windows and doors. Then close them up with calks and sealants to ensure you’re not wasting energy.
10. Exchange Plastic for Canvas Bags
Some countries have banned the use of plastic bags and require customers to bring their own bags.
As of now, this is not the case in the United States. Though a few states have instituted a ban on plastic bags, most have not.
Plus, if you have a closet full of single-use plastic bags, you can’t recycle them. So it’s a good idea to consider buying some reusable canvas bags.
Canvas bags are sturdier than plastic bags and can hold more goods without the risk of tearing open.
If you’re not up for switching to canvas bags just yet, try to find a use for all of those plastic bags you can’t recycle.
For instance, take them back to the store and reuse them. Line your bathroom garbage can with them. Or use them for dirty cat litter.
Now You Know More About How to Go Green
There’s so much to know about how to go green.
As the global community continues to come together to save the planet, there will certainly be new ways and exciting technology to assist your efforts.
In the meantime, just remember that every small effort makes a difference.
And for more great tips and articles on living your best life, keep checking back with us.