Let’s begin by asking ourselves – how old are our favorite bras? If the immediate answer to this dreaded question is a year or two, it’s time for you to part ways with your beloved lingerie. We can all relate to the struggles that one faces while finding the perfect ladies bra, no wonder, goodbyes seem to be such a bittersweet moment.
Like it or not, bras for women do come with an expiration date. While you might want to continue wearing your favorite bras way past its due date, here are a few red flags that scream – Your bra needs to go!
Firstly, how long should you keep your bra?
According to experts, your bra life ranges typically from six to nine months. This too, differs from person to person. If you have been repeating your favorite ladies bra on a loop, or practically wearing it every other day, you will need to ditch it a lot sooner than six months. The faster it wears off, the closer you are, to getting rid of your bras. Try keeping a minimum of five bras in handy and use them on rotational purpose to ensure these ladies bras last longer.
What are the signs to replace your bra?
1. Discomfort – From digging underwires to skin irritation and rashes, the first obvious sign that a woman’s bra needs to be changed is the feeling of utter discomfort. When your bras deliver the exact opposite of what they are meant for, you know it’s time to ditch the old and head shopping for something new.
2. Bands – The bands of every ladies bra act as its support system and pillar. If your bra band feels extremely loose even on the tightest hook, your bra is basically not doing the job that it is meant to do. If the sole purpose of your bra is defeated, time to say little thank you, and move on to the next one.
3. Cups – Just as you bra band, the cups too, play a crucial role. Be it delivering a seamless silhouette or giving your girls a sculpted shape; your cups can make or break all of your looks. However, if your cups itself have lost their shape to a point of no return, it’s an obvious sign of “goodbye”.
4. Straps – Your straps play a key role in keeping a woman’s breasts from sagging, on account of its adjustable element. If your straps on the other hand, have stretched far beyond their limit, and don’t seem to be of any more use, your bras should consider their days numbered.
5. Body Change – Changes in your body mean new clothes and a new wardrobe. The same rule applies to a woman’s bra, as well. What may have fit you like a glove a few months back will no longer give you the fit and functionality that your body needs.

Image source: Clovia.com
How to make your bras last longer?
We get it, the struggle of finding the perfect bra, the bra that checks all your boxes, is absolutely real. So trying your best to make it last a lot longer, is nothing but justified. If you’re wondering how to push your ladies bra to its best limit, here are a few tips and tricks to make your life a tad bit stress free.
1. Rotation – Rotate, rotate and a lot more rotate. Keep a minimum of five of your favorite bras in hand. Instead of switching between two to three bras, up the number to five, or more. This way the chances of your bra to wear and tear, gets a slight bit delayed. The more you stock up, the higher the chances of delaying the parting away process.
2. The one day rule – Just cause you have stocked up five of your favorite bras, does not mean you go ahead wearing them two days in a row. The trick is pretty simple – unless you choose to repeat the same shirt for two consecutive days, do not go pick the same bra, as well. The elastic on every woman’s bra needs some break after all the strenuous wear and tear. Giving it a day’s time of break will help it recover and last longer.
3. Care – No good things come easy in life. Taking care of your bras plays a vital role in its life span. We all love taking the easy route out and putting all your clothes and lingerie in the same washer; while this might be a convenient and easy option, it’s definitely not an ideal one for the long run. Avoid throwing them in the washer, and hand wash them whenever possible.
4. Put ‘em on the right way – Yes, as you might have guessed, there is a correct way of wearing your bra. The proper way of going ahead – is by sliding the straps on, leaning forward, placing your breasts inside the cups, and finally, hooking your bra. We have all been in situations where we’ve hooked our bras and let them slide below, crushing and twisting them them to beyond repair. This also involves no flipping of your favorite bras. Doing all the above will only ruin and damage your bra, ten times faster.
5. Quality is the key – Investing in a good quality ladies bra is crucial. Lagging behind on quality will only make you spend twice the money, than you would have to spend in the first go, if you buy a premium quality bra. Look out for sale and deals, this way purchasing a high quality bra wouldn’t burn a huge hole in your pocket.