The thing about hair fall is that there seems to be no end to it. You wake up every day to your pillowcase streaked with strands of hair, or you leave the bathroom with hair all over the basin and sink. The constant and persistent hair fall is enough to turn even the calmest and composed person into bonkers. So what do you do? Instead of looking at the expensive over the counter treatments and therapies, read on to find out the home remedies that can help to cure hair fall naturally and reduce split ends, hair thinning, and all kinds of hair issues.

What causes hair loss?

Loss of hair from the scalp due to dryness, dandruff, and infection of the scalp is the dermatological condition of hair fall. It can be genetic, hormonal, due to an infection, medical treatments of stress and anxiety. But the question is can it be reversed?

Interesting Facts about your hair you never knew

Your hair is the best part of your body that depicts growth. Did you know that on an average, a human hair grows for about 1.27 cm every month? Yes, that’s true! Whenever you shed a hair, a new hair grows at its place that has a life cycle of approximately two to six years. In this duration, the hair goes through many stages of growth. It is entirely possible to enhance hair health and check hair fall by employing many home remedies for hair fall. Read on ahead as we list the best of all home remedies to cure hair fall naturally.

Top 19 Excellent Home Remedies of Hair Fall

Follow through with a combination of home remedies for the natural cure of hair fall. All the natural solutions are incredibly useful for the natural treatment of all kinds of scalp diseases and hair problems.

1. Almond oil

Almonds are a rich source of Magnesium and Vitamin E, these form the cornerstone as the reasons to eat almonds. You can make it a habit of eating them before going to bed, It also helps if you rub the scalp with pure almond oil to enhance the growth of healthy hair. Almond oil strengthens the roots and nourishes the scalp with vitamin E.

2. Indian gooseberry

Apply the vitamin-C rich extract of Indian gooseberry on the scalp to soothe the hair follicles, regenerate new scalp cells and cure bacterial and fungal infection of the scalp.

3. Onions

Smear your hair and scalp with onion paste and juice to enhance blood circulation and nourish the scalp along with fighting dandruff for good.

4. Castor oil

Apply undiluted castor oil directly to the scalp to hydrate and prevent the bacterial and fungal outbreak on the scalp. Castor oil contains undecylenic acid and fatty acids that help to nourish the scalp.

5. Olive oil

Massage your hair and scalp with olive oil because it is rich in vitamin E that helps in promoting healthy blood circulation in the scalp and strengthening the hair follicles and roots effectively.

6. Potato and honey

Mix a cup of grated potato and honey and apply it on your scalp to nourish it with vitamins A, B, and C, and minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.

7. Balanced diet

Stick to a healthy balanced diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and antioxidants to stay healthy and nourish and strengthen the scalp.

8. Fenugreek

Blend a handful of fenugreek leaves into a paste and add a tablespoon of olive oil to it. Apply this paste to the scalp to fight against scalp infection, hair loss, and dandruff.

9. Hibiscus

Combine a paste of dried hibiscus flowers with coconut oil and apply it to the scalp to fight against dandruff, baldness, dryness of the scalp, and hair loss.

10. Banana peel and licorice

Pound a few tablespoons each of dried banana peels and licorice roots into a smooth paste. Add some olive oil to it and then massage your scalp with it to inhibit bacterial infection, prevent flakiness of the scalp, and fight against hair fall.

11. Beetroot

Beetroot paste is rich in vitamins A, B, C and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. Apply beetroot paste to the hair and scalp to increase blood circulation and strengthen the hair roots and follicles.

12. Egg whites

Eggs are rich in protein and antiseptic properties. Crack 2-3 eggs and scoop out the yolks. Whisk the egg whites and apply the foam to the scalp to prevent hair fall.

13. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent source of anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar to combat hair loss from the scalp.

14. Safflower oil

Mix a tablespoon each of safflower oil and olive oil, and apply that to the scalp to enrich the scalp and hair follicles with essential fatty acids, enhance the blood circulation in the scalp, and nourish the scalp with rich nutrients.

15. Flaxseed oil

Massage the scalp with flaxseed oil to nourish it with omega-3 fatty acids and essential vitamins.

16. Aloe Vera

Smear the scalp with fresh and organic Aloe Vera gel to prevent baldness, fight hair fall, and cure inflammation and infection of the scalp.

17. Yogurt

Blend two tablespoons of plain yogurt with a few drops of fresh lemon juice and then apply the mixture to the scalp to promote the growth of long and thick hair, and enrich the scalp with vitamin B5 that helps to condition the hair and make it glossy and beautiful.

18. Hanging head therapy

Try the wacky hanging head therapy to enhance blood circulation in the scalp. Let your head hang downwards from the edge of the bed for a few minutes daily. The supply of nutrient-rich blood to the hair follicles helps in the cure of hair fall.

19. Cinnamon

Mix two teaspoons of cinnamon powder with a spoon of coconut oil and apply it to the scalp to soothe the irritation and itchiness, crush bacterial infection, prevent baldness and fight against hair fall.

A word of caution

Don’t apply anything to the scalp without conducting a patch test to test the sensitivity of the scalp to the hair.


Make your hair glow and shine with health and beauty with the natural remedies of hair fall and hair damage. Ditch the harmful chemical cosmetics and adopt the natural and organic home remedies to combat hair fall and make way for long and lustrous hair. You dream of flaunting those healthy and shiny locks are practically possible if you opt to cure hair fall naturally.
About the author

Emylee is a freelance content writer and a blogger who is specialized in home remedies, natural cure, fitness and power yoga.  She is a nature enthusiast who contributed her piece of work for many website like In her free time you can find her in adventurous trips and hanging out with family and friends.