When searching for gifts for your children, you want to purchase them something that will engage their imaginations, build their creativity as well as keep them off the computer. Think back to when you were a kid and what you liked to do, before cell phones and video games. These are the gifts that your children may enjoy.

The first thing that comes to mind is Legos. A Lego set review site explains which sets are ideal for what age. A Lego set can spark a child’s imagination in a million different directions and provide countless hours of fun without a computer screen.

Here are 4 awesome gift ideas that will get your children off computers and playing with other things:

1. Snack and Cake Bake Ovens

These types of real baking ovens aren’t for girls only any longer. The Great British Baking Show, or any number of cooking competition shows have proved that little girls aren’t the only ones who like to use a working toy oven.

There are several different brands of toy ovens that allow children of a certain age, with adult supervision, to create their own food. These creations can take the form of snacks like pizza bites or desserts such as cakes and cookies. The possibilities are endless, as long as the food fits in the small pans.

2. Puppets

Mr. Rodgers probably introduced you to the art of puppetry, and Sesame Street continued the tradition with your children. Now you can pass this creative activity on to your children. They don’t have to enjoy the theatre, although it would help. There are puppet making kits as well as small stage instructions so you can help them construct their own puppet theatre.

Working with puppets gives children the confidence they need to be what and who they want to be. By allowing a child to speak their mind, their dreams and wishes through a puppet, you are giving them permission to be open and honest where they might not be able to be otherwise.

3. Obstacle Courses

You can build your own obstacle course out of items you have around the house, such as a small trampoline, old tires, and ropes. Or you can purchase elaborate courses that include all the bells as whistles similar to the ones on the American Ninja Warrior competition show.

Getting kids up and outdoors to move is so much better for not only their physical health but their mental health as well. Too much screen time is bad for a child’s posture, their eyesight and ultimately, their mood.

You can involve your child in the drawing, gathering, and building of an obstacle course. This will help them with their math proficiency as well as reasoning skills.

4. For the Analytical Minded Child

They will like to solve puzzles by hunting for clues and gathering information. This can be done completely off-line by using the library and books, which is the old-fashioned way.

Introduce your child to the many mysteries of the world and ask them what they think. Things like the Loch Ness Monster and Stonehenge. This will engage them for many hours and keep them thinking without their computer.