If you’re looking into ghost-hunting you are in for an exciting time, looking into the paranormal is an interesting and fun experience. However, you want to engage in behavior that is safe, and abides by the local law. Ghost-hunting properly will help build the reputation of other hunts and add credibility to your hunting as well.

Tell People Where You’re Going

Prior to initiating any outings, make sure you’re informing a third-party where you’ll be going and try to find a partner to accompany you. Often times ghost hunting can take us to places that may not be well populated, and may include dangers from nature or the environment. Having a buddy system in place, and having others know where you are is beneficial to the project. If you’re exceptionally shy about the fact that you’ll be ghost hunting you can always say that you’re going to take pictures or go exploring. Just make sure your location and whereabouts are known in the event that anything happens.

Follow The Law

Although abandoned buildings can be a prime hot spot for ghost hunting, make sure that you won’t be trespassing when you’re out hunting. Do some research about the location online, and keep an eye out for any signs that may mention trespassing. There’s nothing wrong with looking for ghosts, but you don’t want to get in trouble with the law as a result. Often times these ventures are conducted at night, so bring a flashlight to check to see if there are any signs. Alternatively you can always call and ask permission from the owner of the property to see if it’s okay to go ghost hunting there. Just be honest about what you’re doing, if the property is a hub of paranormal sightings they probably won’t be surprised.

Bring The Proper Hunting Equipment

When you’re ghost hunting, it’s absolutely essential you’re bringing the proper equipment with you. Sometimes things may happen that aren’t visible or audible to the human eye or ear, and you want to make sure that they are recorded. The professionals from the Third Eye Paranormal society have a comprehensive list on the average ghost-hunters arsenal that you can read more to finish your checklist on what you need next. Ghost sightings most commonly occur at night and you’ll want tools such as a night vision camcorder to capture everything.

Bring The Proper Survival Equipment

Although the niche of ghost-hunting involves, well, hunting ghosts, you also need to pack according to your own survival as well. If you’re traversing a few kilometers towards a ghost town that may be off the road, bring things such as a first aid kid. A compass is also useful, and walkie talkies can help you keep in touch with your partner if anything separates you two. Bring lots of water, and potentially food if you know you’ll be gone for a period of time. There’s nothing like cutting a ghost-hunting experience short just because you forgot to pack something to eat for both of you.

Don’t Provoke To Initiate A Response

Provoking spirits or ghosts in order to get a recordable reaction is not recommended. It would be a similar concept of throwing rocks at a rhinoceros trying to get it to chase you, you’ll probably regret your decision sooner rather than later. Simply record what you need and explore the area gauging if there is any activity, provoking any entities will leave you becoming more afraid and more likely to make an error that can result to you not practicing your hunting safely. Remember to be respectful, and you will more than likely be treated the same. You’re the visitor in these hunts and you’re entering someone else’s home.

Use Logic And Reasoning

Even though your ghost-hunting remember that not everything is attributed to a paranormal event. Make sure you use logic and reasoning when you’re reviewing your recording equipment and when you’re hunting. Sometimes an object may have fallen over due to the wind or an animal and doesn’t necessarily mean it was caused by the paranormal. By using logic and reason with your ghost-hunting you’ll create evidence that is more reliable and credible.

Ghost-hunting can be a fun experience, but ensure you are bringing at least one other person prior to leaving for your expedition. Make sure you’re abiding by all laws and try to bring the proper ghost hunting equipment. Having survival tools on hand can be essential depending on where you’re going. Don’t use provocation to initiate any responses and always use sound logic and reasoning when you’re reviewing your recordings. Lastly and most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy yourself while you’re on your venture.