As a parent, your child’s safety is paramount when conveying him or her in your vehicle. Having the right car seat goes a long way in ensuring that the infant stays protected all through the ride. During the early stages of your child’s growth, the use of a five-point harness car seat should be employed. The moment he grows out of this car seat, then it is time to get him a booster seat. However, this should be a gradual transitioning process, so don’t be in a hurry. Until the right weight and size are achieved, you don’t need to get your child out of a five-point harness car seat.

What Is A Booster Seat?

A booster seat is a high-tier version of a traditional seat that augments the position of your car’s seat belt across your child’s body, firmly securing the individual. Not only does it elevate your child consequently providing stability and convenience, but it also offers improved safety measures against car accidents. With the use of a booster seat, the chance of a child getting injured in an accident is reduced by half. Children are being endangered when they travel in vehicles that lack booster seats.

When Should You Change Your Child’s Seat?

Seat boosters are recommended for children between the ages of 4 and 12, with a weight class that falls within 15 or 36 kg and a height of 100 to 150 cm. Whereby your child is yet to attain these requirements, then he is better safe in a five-point harness seat. What happens when he outgrows his existing car seat but is not quite big enough to fit into the booster seat? There are other car seats out there that fall within the midrange of a traditional car seat and a booster seat. You need to know what category your child belongs in.

How Long Should A Seat Booster Be Used?

In terms of the duration of usage, there is no regulation on how long your child should use a booster. In fact, depending on the vehicle, a child may not need a seat booster based on the fact that this type of seat is manufactured considering the standard safety belts installed in the vehicle. Hence, you need to find out if your child has outgrown a seat booster and is all set to use the traditional seats. You can achieve this by performing these five checkpoints. To begin with, place your child on the seat and buckle his seat belt, not using the booster seat this time around. Take note of the following:

  • How well-rested his back is on the seat
  • The angle of his knees at the edge of the seat
  • The position of the shoulder belt across the neck and arm
  • How positioned the lap belt is across his body, especially his thighs
  • The possibility of him staying comfortable in this position throughout the entire trip

Your child is now ready to ride along with you, without his booster seat, if the following conditions are met:

  • His back goes all the way back against the seat
  • Knees are comfortably bent at the edge of the seat
  • The shoulder belt firmly crosses his neck and arm
  • If the lap belt is placed very low across his body, including his thighs
  • Posture is comfortably retained throughout the entire journey

There are various comfy booster seats that are available for your child. If you would like to take a look at them, please visit this link: booster seat.