Are you hearing a squeaking sound when you open your garage door?
Is the door running slowly or getting stuck in one position?
Well, worry no longer. We’ve got all the tips you need for a thorough garage door tune-up right here.

1. Check Springs

A problem with the springs in a garage door can prevent it from staying open properly. This may be because one or more of the essential springs has lost its tension. This can present a safety hazard.

There are two types of spring in a typical garage door. Torsion springs run along the top of the frame, while extension springs fit either side of the door. If the springs lose tension or fail you can either replace them yourself or contact a specialist to assist.

2. The Importance of Lubricant

When the time comes to tune up your garage door you will want to do is check the door is suitably lubricated. Applying your favorite lubricant to any chains, rollers or tracks in your garage door mechanism will ensure smooth, quiet motion. Portes de garage MB recommend applying lubricant at least twice a year to all moving parts.

Be sure to inspect the garage door and inner workings to ensure it remains thoroughly lubricated. It’s especially important in cold weather as the old lubricant can freeze. This can cause excessive noise or juddering when opening and closing your garage door.

3. Inspect for Wear

As with any piece of moving equipment, the inner workings of a garage door are subject to wear and tear. It is important to check essential items like rollers and cables for signs of stress or wearing.

If you encounter a component that is showing signs of wear you can replace the part like-for-like. Or speak with a professional who can assist you.

4. Check Door Remote and Battery

During your regular garage door tune-up, be sure to check the battery and remote control. This only applies if you have an electric or motor-driven garage door.

A motor-driven garage door stopping mid-operation could be down to something as simple as a low battery. If the remote is sufficiently powered but your garage door does not open then it is best to call in an expert. The problem may be more complicated and require special tools or experience.

5. Garage Door Tune-Up – It’s the Law

Aside from being important and practical to regularly check and tune up your garage door, it is also the law. If your garage door features an auto-reverse mechanism then a check of this is mandated by federal law. This law applies to all electric garage doors installed since 1993.

We recommend checking this feature between 2 and 4 times per year to ensure it is working correctly. You can do this yourself by placing a block of wood or another large object under the door as it closes to ensure the auto-reverse feature activates correctly.

An Open and Shut Case

A regular garage door tune-up will ensure the longevity of your garage door. Two to four times a year should be sufficient for most garage doors.

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