Fleas are a nuisance. These tiny creatures are capable of jumping as much as 100 times their own height. That’s impressive, like a human leaping over skyscrapers! Fleas are very small and seem to be relatively harmless, they don’t have the reputation that ticks enjoy for spreading Lyme disease.

Of course, most of the time fleas attack your pets, they find animals, such as dogs and cats an easy target as they frequently wander through flea territory.

But, fleas can transfer to humans, especially when they is no room left on the pet or you’ve treated the pet, making it an inhospitable environment. You may have experienced flea bites, they are often on the lower part of your leg as this is the highest area they can reach. Flea bites can be very itchy. But, they can also transmit the following diseases which is why you should click here and then find out more info about your local pest control experts.

The quicker you get them dealt with the better.

1. Murine Typhus

Typhus is usually associated with rats. However, fleas can land in and bite rats, picking up the disease in the process. They can then pass this onto humans if they bite you.

If you have typhus you’re likely to feel nausea, your body will ache and you’ll have headaches and fever. It usually starts in your body and spreads outward. Successful treatment requires antibiotics. If you don’t get it treated you’re likely to end up in hospital and the effects will linger long term.

2. Tapeworm

You may have come across this parasite if you have dogs or cats. It’s a small worm that gets into your pets stomach when they swallow an infected flea or even eat infected mice and rats. The worm feeds inside the intestine and eventually, segments of it will pass through the bowels and can be observed in the feces.

This doesn’t cause a huge range of symptoms and shouldn’t affect your health. In fact, it’s more common in children than in adults. The tapeworm can be eliminated with the administration of the right medicine. Of course, you’ll need a prescription to get the medicine.

3. Cat Scratch Disease

Bartonella henselae is a bacteria that causes cat scratch fever in cats. Interestingly, roughly 40% of cats experience cat scratch fever at some point in their life. In most cases, the cat won’t appear ill and will simply get over the issue. Other cats have a fever for several days.

However, if they bite you or scratch you hard enough to break your skin they can pass the bacteria on to you. The bacteria can cause issues for your health although it is rare. However, a woman did lose the sight in one eye after her infected cat licked it. It has also been known to cause brain, heart, and other internal issues. That’s why you need to get it checked out straight away.

4. Mycoplasma haemofelis

This is a parasitic disease that can be transmitted to cats through flea bites. Your cat can also be infected by ticks and mosquito bites. It attacks the body’s red blood cells which cause anemia. This will cause tiredness and reduces the effectiveness of your immune system.

The bacteria can infect humans as well as cats. You’ll need antibiotics to treat the issue and, in severe cases, a blood transfusion will be necessary.