The neck and face are often the first parts of the body where the signs of aging will be noticed. This is not surprising since this is the part of the body first noticed by people and it is also exposed to the environment and not covered by clothing like much of the rest of the body. This means that the ravages of the sun, environmental pollutants and even changes in the weather, will all impact the skin of our neck and face.

Facelifts work best to help correct the drooping skin that becomes noticeable on the lower part of the face as you age. This surgical procedure works to correct problems with the skin between the cheek region and the jawline. As the name suggests, neck lifts, on the other hand, focus on the neck region and focuses on tightening up the skin in this area and removing the so-called Turkey neck that people often develop as they get older.

When some people gain weight they often develop a double chin, which can also be corrected by means of a neck lift procedure. A neck lift removes any excess fat and skin that may be present in this area so as to give you a more youthful look.

You should consult with a specialist at a cosmetic clinic to see which procedure will work best for your situation; in some cases it may be a good idea to have both a neck and face lift procedure done at the same time.

It is important to realize that a face lift will not be too helpful in removing crow’s feet and other lines or wrinkles higher up on your face. For these signs of aging there are other options that are available. In fact, people can get Botox or collagen injections or even injections of hyaluronic acid to help smooth out the appearances of lines on the face. These lines and, of course, wrinkles, are common as we get older.


One of the first things you can do is to wear sunscreen or sunblock if you are somebody who has fair skin. While we do need some sun exposure on our skin in order to make vitamin D, too much sunlight causes damage to the skin cells. This means that by the time we are older, our skin begins to show this damage and may develop moles and liver spots, and wrinkles and lines.

Remember when you do apply sunblock to also put it on your neck and nose and ears. If at all possible, you should also wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. Over time, the sun can lead to damage to the eyes, including the development of cataracts. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can increase the risk of cataracts developing, which can substantially impact your vision such that you have difficulty seeing; you can visit the following website to find out more about this

It is important to take care of yourself and protect yourself while you are still young to avoid damage accumulating over time.