When you rely upon your car to get you to where you need to be, it’s crucial you look after it. While accidents happen and repairs can’t always be avoided, there are some things you can do to reduce the chances of a breakdown.
Here, you’ll discover some essential tips to take care of your car and maximise its safety and drivability.
Check the tyres and oil regularly
Your car’s tyres are one of its most important components. So, it makes sense to monitor them regularly to ensure they’re in the best possible condition. You’ll want to check over them weekly, looking for any tears or cuts, as well as the tread depth and inflation levels. Legally, the tyres should have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm.
Similarly, you’ll want to check your car’s oil levels frequently too. This should be done every couple of weeks, using your dipstick to check the level. If you’re planning on taking a long journey, you’ll want to consider topping up the oil before you go. If you notice you’re having to refill the oil more frequently than you should, take the car into the garage to have it checked over.
Keep an eye on your windscreen and wipers
You should keep an eye on your windscreen for any signs of a crack or chip. If there is one, you’ll want to get it repaired as quickly as possible as they can spread and crack the screen if left alone.
It’s a legal requirement to keep your screen wash levels topped up. However, you should also aim to replace your windscreen wipers once a year as this will help to prevent smudging.
Check for broken lights
Another legal requirement you’ll have to keep on top of is your lights. Keep a lookout for any lights that aren’t working properly. If you do find a problem, replace the bulbs as soon as you can. Don’t forget to check the reversing, indicators, fog lights and brake lights.
Know when it’s time to upgrade
As much as you may love your old car, there comes a time when you’ll need to upgrade. If the car is suffering from frequent issues, it’s a clear sign it’s time to let go and invest in a newer model. You can pick up great used models at affordable prices these days so there’s no reason to put up with a temperamental older model.
The more you look after your car, the longer it’s going to last you. By following the simple tips above, you could save yourself a lot of stress as well as money by picking up on any issues early on.