If you’re interested in making big changes to help the environment, the best place to start is at home. By adopting a few of the following environmentally friendly household habits, you can conserve resources and take positive steps toward changing the world by beginning at home.
Cut Back on Junk Mail
The average household in America receives 848 pieces of junk mail each year. When you combine all the junk mail that every household receives, that amount adds up to more than 100 million dead trees.
While 22 percent of that junk mail is recycled, 44 percent of it is thrown away without being opened. To help cut down on this waste, you can prevent junk mail from being printed in the first place with a variety of free services. The National Do Not Mail List lets you indicate what type of mailings you want and do not want to receive.
Walk or Ride a Bike
Choosing to walk or ride your bike over driving a car has several advantages. You’ll be able to save money by using your own energy to get around instead of paying for gas. You’ll also prevent harmful emissions from ending up in the atmosphere. Finally, you’ll burn plenty of calories.
If you have children and their school is within a few miles, consider putting together a riding group of children traveling together with an adult. This arrangement helps them get a little exercise and skip taking a bus or car to school.
Switch to LED Bulbs
If you’re still using incandescent light bulbs around your house, now is the time to make the switch to LED bulbs. While LED bulbs are more expensive up front, they can last anywhere from three to 25 times longer and use 25 to 80 percent less energy than an incandescent bulb. Plus, you can find LED bulbs that come in cool colors, as well as smart LED bulbs you can control using an app or smart home hub.
Use All-Natural Household Cleaners
Although you think you’re taking care of your home by giving it a good cleaning every week, you may be doing more harm than good depending on what type of household cleaners you’re using.
Many cleaners contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can decrease indoor air quality and lead to irritated throats, headaches, and other health issues. Instead, consider the benefits of using all-natural cleaning products. You’ll have a safer and healthier home.
Upgrade Your Toilet
If you have an older toilet in your home, it could be using up to 7 gallons of water with every flush. That amount can equal an estimated 12,775 gallons of water per person per year going down the drain. However, new toilets use only 1.6 gallons per flush, which drops the yearly estimated water use per person to 2,920 gallons. One simple upgrade in your bathroom can have a big impact on the amount of water you use every year.
If you’re interested in making changes around your house to help the environment, the above five tips are great places to start.