Dyslexia is worldwide considered to be a mental disorder due to which the brain of the person processes information differently. People with dyslexia are called dyslexic. The disorder is not just limited to a challenge with reading but is also much more than that.
Many people know that dyslexia is a mental condition that increases the challenges of the dyslexic person with language. This learning disability affects the oral as well as the written language of the person. Due to this, people with dyslexia find it hard to grasp or read words and/or numbers perfectly.
Dyslexia is just a condition, not an illness. The disorder is tough to recognize but paying attention to the early signs and symptoms helps parents and teachers recognize that a child is suffering from it.
Attention to the early signs and symptoms of dyslexia not just helps to be aware of the condition but also makes it easy to hire a professional Orton Gillingham tutor for the best results. The top 5 early signs and symptoms of dyslexia that you must never ignore are listed below.
Late Speech Development
Children usually take less time to start developing speech. But when a child takes high time than normal, to develop speech then there are high chances that he/she is suffering from dyslexia. Children with dyslexia begin talking too late than the expected time or age.
Many parents fail to pay attention to this sign with the misconception that it is normal and sooner or later their child will start developing speech. This mistake does not just prevent them from knowing the actual condition of their child but also delays the treatment process. But paying attention to the speech development ability of your child makes it easy for you to catch dyslexia at the right time and start an effective treatment process for your child.
Slow Rate Of Reading
Another early sign and symptom of dyslexia that parents and teachers must never ignore is the slow rate of reading. Children with dyslexia face difficulty in reading. such kids have a slow rate of reading. They find it tough to sound out the letters as well as the words they see while reading. It is also common for people with dyslexia to mix up or mispronounce letters in familiar words.
The condition of dyslexia not just affects their reading ability but also affects their interests in reading and learning, this is one of the major reasons that people with dyslexia have less interest in reading. They avoid reading as much as possible. When a child starts avoiding reading out loud and/or face difficulty with reading then it is a clear sign of dyslexia that must never be ignored or misinterpreted.
Difficulty In Learning
Difficulty in learning new things such as words, letters, poems, rhymes, etc. is also an early sign and symptom of dyslexia. A dyslexic child usually faces problems in forming words correctly. It is tough for such kids to reverse sounds in words. They usually remain confused with the words that sound alike.
As compared to a normal kid, a dyslexic kid finds it tougher to rhyme a poem properly. Dyslexic kids not just rhyme improperly but also take high time to pronounce the words properly. The reason behind this learning difficulty is their dyslexic brain that processes information differently.
In terms of learning dyslexic kids also have difficulty in learning the numbers, alphabet, colors, days of the week, and shapes. It is even tough for them to spell and/or write their name perfectly. The difficulty of the kids in recalling letters of the alphabet, grasping new vocabulary, or simple rhymes is a sign and symptom of dyslexia that must be paid the right attention to.
Inability to Follow Multiple Instructions
When studying, playing, or having fun, many kids fail to pay the right attention to the instruction given to them by others. If your child does not respond to your instructions, as per your requirement, or takes high time to grasp your order, then it is a state that must be paid attention to. The inattentive behavior of the child and inability to follow multiple instructions properly is signs and symptoms of dyslexia that should never be ignored by the parents and teachers.
A dyslexic kid also remains unclear about the signs and directions. It is tough for dyslexic kids to follow directions, and be clear about the ‘left’ and ‘right’. they also remain confused with familiar routines and map in regular homework tasks. The lack of performance and inability of the kids to complete minor duties at home is also a sign and symptom of dyslexia.
Low Confidence
Usually, kids are known for their high energy. But when a kid starts remaining dull or does not show any interest in learning or reading new things, activities, etc. then there are high chances that it is due to dyslexia. Kids with dyslexia have low confidence. Their inability to read and learn properly prevents them from showing their skills and shining in the crowd. Due to this, they prefer staying at the back and do not have any type of interest. Dyslexic kids not just avoid reading but also have less or no confidence to read out loud or share their views with others. They also frequently make strange mistakes such as spelling errors, and consistent reading. However, attention to all these signs and symptoms of dyslexia help parents hire a professional Orton Gillingham tutor for the child.
Parents who do not have much idea about dyslexia, usually fail to catch the signs and symptoms of the disorder at the right time. This further prevents them from providing the right treatment to their dyslexic child. Attention to the condition and treatment at the initial stage is important to prevent the condition from getting worse.
Final Thoughts
Dyslexia is a mental health condition the treatment of which must not be delayed for long. No doubt it is tough to treat dyslexia but organizing the right teaching courses, and hiring professional tutors for the Orton Gillingham approach helps a lot in controlling and improving the disorder. Just make sure to hire a tutor with high experience and knowledge of the approach. This helps to improve the condition of the dyslexic kid in a shorter time.