Conversational analytics is a way for individuals to get insights from data with an even greater level of ease. For many people, the thought of analyzing data evokes images of having to be overly careful to avoid critical errors. This was certainly the case when dealing with analytics tools of the past, where you needed specialized training to even know where to begin.
Today, however, enterprises have a much more diverse array of tools at their disposal. Among them are conversational analytics, which allow users to simply speak into the program and receive accurate outputs. There are some pretty interesting applications for conversational analytics, as well as specific ways it can improve an organization’s overall business intelligence.
Benefits of Conversational Analytics
Conversational analytics can offer some concrete benefits to enterprises willing to adopt outfitted technologies. Understanding these will help businesses decide if conversational analytics ultimately makes sense for them.
Here are a few of the top benefits of conversational analytics:
- Greater ease of use leads to different kinds of insights – Speaking requires much less effort than manipulate a keyboard. Running analytics in a conversational style allows users to think about problems in a non-linear format. With conversational analytics, enterprises empower their employees with the ability to approach and solve problems in totally new ways.
- Get insights faster and with less friction – People who have been in the business world for a while know acquiring data insights can be a time-consuming process. In the past, you needed to send all queries through the data department. Thanks to conversational analytics, however, many insights can be captured on an ad hoc basis. This means it can take hours instead of weeks to arrive at business decisions.
- Democratize data – Data democratization is the process of taking data out of silos and distributing analytics permissions to more people within an organization. In the past, this has been viewed as controversial because of risks involved with data security and the accuracy of analyses. These ideas, however, are being outweighed by the pros. For instance, data democratization allows insights to come from anywhere within an organization. More than that, it’s feasible to run queries on far more problems. Businesses get the benefit of improved operations, while workers make their jobs more productive and enjoyable.
- A more inclusive kind of data – With conversational analytics, individuals who might have difficulties using more traditional tools can better interact with data. This goes beyond lack of training, and enables people who have been historically excluded from certain programs due to disabilities or other issues.
- Build a data culture – Truth prevails when data becomes an inherent part of corporate culture. The enterprises that do the best job of fostering this can reap the benefits of having a data-first response, where decisions are always based on evidence. Conversational analytics can expedite and strengthen this process.
No matter the industry, organizations need to be cognizant of the trends in data analytics. Falling behind in this area can lead to huge operational disadvantages to peers. Conversational analytics is a tool that can keep businesses on the forefront of data analytics.