Even though being retired, Cisco 200-125 cannot be forgotten just like that. The CCNA R&S certificate along with its test still contains plenty of important concepts that have been consolidated in the new CCNA credential and the 200-301 exam. This old certification path cannot be ignored whatsoever. Knowing Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching is very helpful in creating a more useful plan for preparing for the new CCNA track.
CCNA R&S and 200-125: Certification description
Cisco CCNA R&S was an associate-level credential. It was one of the several paths the candidates could choose from the old CCNA certification program. Cisco has announced it in 2013, and now this is the history. This certificate was the closest to the main concepts of the whole program. The 200-125 CCNA exam was not the only option out of two possible to obtain the credential. Alternatively, one could also take the two following exams: 100-105 and 200-105.Upon the successful completion of one of the variants, the examinees were provided with a score report and a score breakdown for each section.
The validity of Cisco CCNA Dumps was 3 years. The renewal required for the certification holders is now totally the same. However, there are several options that you can choose for the re-certification process. You can retake the new test or register for the higher-level Cisco exams every three years.
CCNA R&S and 200-125: Exam description
Cisco 200-125 CCNA is an old test that used to be offered by Cisco until February 24, 2020, when it has been retired. Together with other CCNA exams of other paths, it has been replaced by the new associate-level certificate and just one test that you need to pass now – 200-301. The new CCNA certification program consolidates all other topics of the old exams into a single one. Therefore, if you are planning to pursue the new track, it will be useful for you to know the details of Exam-labs Cisco 200-125.
The exam had a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 70 questions assessing the candidates’ knowledge of routing and switching networks. Cisco designed the questions to verify the skills and knowledge in connection with network fundamentals, WAN technologies, infrastructure security, LAN switching technologies, infrastructure services and management, as well as IPv4 and IPv6 routing technologies. The test was aimed at testing the candidates’ skills needed to install, troubleshoot, and operate enterprise branch networks. The new 200-301 CCNA exam has a lot in common with the old one if you check the information about it on the official web page.
Cisco 200-125 had the time duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete all the questions. It was a series of simlets, multiple-choice questions, simulations, and testlets, which was available mainly in two languages – English and Japanese. For the individuals to pass this certification test, they were required to score at least 85% of correct answers. The exact number used to vary depending on the quantity of questions on an individual exam and the highest possible marks.200-125 CCNA used to be available at the Pearson VUE website before its retirement. However, there are still many platforms that can give you an opportunity to take the mock test to check your current level of knowledge.
CCNA R&S and 200-125: Exam topics
The topics of Cisco 200-125 included the following domains:
- Network Fundamentals
- WAN Technologies
- Infrastructure Security
- Infrastructure Management
- LAN Switching Technologies
- Infrastructure Services
- Routing Technologies
The subjects of this old certification exam are still useful. After all, most of them have been retained in the new test and some have been consolidated together with the objectives from other old CCNA credentials. To have a grasp of all these objectives topics, it was recommended that the applicants take the Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices: Accelerated training course. It took a person through all the steps involved in configuring, verifying, and installing IPv6 and IPv4 on a network. It was also possible to get some self-paced online courses and practice your skills in the hands-on lab environments.
Many candidates may say that it has no sense to pay their attention to the old and irrelevant exams. But not in this case. Most of those who have already passed the new 200-301 CCNA test say that it is simpler do deal with the tasks in it. Almost every question asks about some facts or has the “Do you remember how to do this?” format. Therefore, the old exam may have an impression of a test with a wider and deeper content. That is why it will be useful to pay some attention to the previous CCNA certification tracks and their tests. Thus, you will be able to cover a lot more and gain the skills that help you in your job role.