When we travel the most significant expense is accommodation, so it’s wise to choose where you stay tactfully. Today, there is an overwhelming amount of options when it comes to staying abroad. You can select rentals, villas, houses, or hotels. However, before you decide on the holiday accommodation, there are certain things you should ask yourself. Is the property ideal for your travel and itinerary? Can you trust the service provider? Does it suit your budget? What is the level of privacy? Is the location right? In this article, we will help you pick the best holiday accommodations and answer the above questions.

Should You Book Hotel, Villa, or House for Privacy

Hotels are outdated; people these days prefer to book houses or villas through websites such as Airbnb, VRBO, HomeAway, Homestay, and the likes. We want everything personalized, then why not when we travel. Booking a private holiday accommodation has several benefits, the primary being privacy – a house or a villa keeps you away from the crowd at hotels. They are cheaper. You can prepare your own food. Live in any destination – in the city or somewhere away from the busy city, and luxury, to name a few. As you are booking the entire house with the compound, you don’t have to worry about privacy.

A Budget-Friendly Accommodation

When you go on a holiday, you have a fixed budget depending on which you decide the destination and facilities you want to avail. Accommodation can make a big hole in your budget, so you want the most bang for the buck. Renting a house will be far cheaper than booking a hotel with better facilities. Sure, you won’t have the food brought to your bed or any of those lavish things, but you will have the freedom to eat a healthy home cooked meal away from home.

Travelling with Family

Let’s talk about travelling with family and friends, when you have kids and other members. It’s a large group of people and requires abundant space so you can all enjoy a relaxing time without being cramped for personal space. The kids need space to play. In such a circumstance, booking a vacation rental is better any day. With a vacation rental, you get swimming pools, where you can relax; the kids have a yard to play, and there is plenty of room for various members to have their own bedroom. All this in a hotel will cost you a fortune and still lack certain things such as privacy, home cooked meals, and more.

Location of the Accommodation

Choosing the right location to stay for a holiday is essential. There are so many things you need to consider when selecting the area. Accommodation in the heart of the city will be expensive, while selecting a place to stay a little away from the central town can make a huge price difference. Plus, you want to choose an accommodation that provides you access to all the places you want to visit. The transportation such as the bus or the metro should be closer. If you select the location wisely, you can save a lot of money on accommodation and travel.

On the other hand, you may want to enjoy the countryside and nature. Rental in the countryside will be ideal in such a scenario.

Amenities and Features

Yes! They are crucial for truly enjoying a holiday. When you are selecting the accommodation, choose one that is popular as in it has several reviews. That way, you know that several people have visited the place and liked it. Ensure that you have everything in the vacation rental such as swimming pools, a yard, plenty of rooms, a good kitchen, safe neighborhood (this is vital), fully-furnished, TV, fridge, washing machine, and so on. When you get in touch with the owner, ask them how you can purchase the groceries while you will be staying there. Is there a market nearby or will the owner accommodate that?

Home Away from Home

No other accommodation will provide you the same feeling as home other than booking a house or a villa. For a truly memorable experience, book a vacation rental or a house. You will get everything like in your home. In most cases, the owners of the house are your neighbors. In my case, on a trip to Bali, I booked a house and the neighbors were the owners. They were friendly and helped me with everything during the stay.

With these tips, I hope you can pick the best holiday accommodation for your next trip abroad. By following these tips, you won’t only have a good time but save a ton of money on transportation and unnecessary expenses.