If you’re planning to purchase insurance for your vehicle, property, health, or life, you may think that insurance coverage amounts are the same for everyone. But in reality, your job and wages sometime determine how much you’re supposed to pay to get yourself insurance.

Take a look at the following tips on how to get good insurance with affordable prices based on your occupation. Then, you can take full advantage of the benefits all types of insurance can offer you should anything untoward happen to you.

  1. Save money when purchasing insurance by slightly tweaking your description of your current occupation. Choosing insurance may initially be a difficult choice for someone who has little to no idea at all as to why he or she needs it. Worse, your chosen provider might charge you what you feel is an absurdly expensive premium for insurance after you’ve told them about your occupation. Here are some tips.
    • You should choose a job description that best represents your current occupation and can save you money on your insurance premium.
    • The less fancy your job description is, the less expensive your insurance premium may be. For example, instead of “shop assistant,” you can describe your occupation as “sales assistant,” which is to some a less impressive title, so that you can perhaps save money come insurance premium payment time. Your insurance providers will have an idea of your general income based on your job description or title.
    • You should be careful not to completely misrepresent yourself when negotiating with your provider, as they can charge you with fraud if you do so. Be honest.
  2. Opt for insurance that charges different premium rates depending on your current high-risk occupation rather than settling for one with a flat rate. Insurance providers charge higher premium rates if they determine that a policyholder’s current line of work is high-risk. However, some insurance providers charge flat premium rates regardless of high-risk occupations. You should work with insurance providers who charge you a premium based on your exact high-risk occupation, so that in case you get yourself a new job that is less hazardous, you don’t have to pay as much compared to before.
  3. Get yourself insurance as a homemaker. Your lack of occupation right now doesn’t mean that you don’t have a right to get insurance. You should declare yourself as a homemaker in order to get a lower price on insurance if possible. You shouldn’t tell your chosen provider that you’re unemployed, as they can hike your insurance premiums up, forcing you to pay more than you should.

Insurance itself rests on the idea of calculated risk wherein your chosen provider estimates how much they’re supposed to offer you as a maximum insurance coverage amount. One of the factors that your chosen provider will look into the minute that you start inquiring about purchasing insurance from them is your occupation. You should get the right kind of insurance coverage and price based on your occupation by following the above tips and discussing your plans with a lawyer who can assist you in making an informed decision regarding it.
About the author: Andrew Nickleson is a passionate writer, writing about disabilities and the law. He has written about many subjects aimed to help those who have questions unanswered. In his spare time he enjoys working on volunteering for those less fortunate.