CBD is a primary derivative of the cannabis plant. The other derivative is THC, which causes hyperactivity in high amounts. The two compounds have health benefits to the body, which is a reason they are popular.

CBD is available in different forms. The most common type of CBD is CBD oil and tinctures. CBD oil has many health benefits to the body, including reducing chronic pain, promoting sleep, and mitigating symptoms of epilepsy. So, does CBD help with depression?

Let’s find out.

CBD for Depression

Before discovering how CBD helps with depression, it is essential to know what this condition is, its causes, and the symptoms.

Depression disorder is a mental health condition that can affect a person’s health, social life, and ability to work. Depression affects all people, including adults, children, and teenagers.

The disorder involves feelings of sadness, low mood, loss of interest and pleasure in activities, and the desire to be alone.

Causes of Depression

Depression results from a chemical imbalance in the brain, faulty mood regulation, stressful life events, and medical problems. When certain events trigger any of the causes above happen, a person can become depressed.

Many different chemicals in the body affect depression. The substances involved work inside and outside of nerve cells to control your mood, perceptions, and how you experience life.

People suffer from different types of depression, and although they might show the same symptoms, the treatment could be different.

Some triggers of the chemicals in the body to cause depression are major life events like losing a family member, losing a job, or illness. Also, people with bipolar disorder are likely to suffer from depression.

Symptoms of Depression

It is important to note that having these symptoms does not automatically mean you are depressed. Depression is a complicated condition that only a professional should diagnose.

Depression is common among females. They suffer two unique types of the disorder, namely postpartum depression and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Some common symptoms of the condition are irritability, anxiety, and mood swings.

However, males also suffer from depression.

CBD and Depression

CBD is available in many forms. Some people take it through oil, tincture, capsules, pills, and vapes, while others prefer taking the compound via edibles. Edibles are easy to dose, chew, and swallow.

For example, DynaWellness CBD soft chews have 10mg of CBD per piece and they are THC-free. Their DynaThrive line is available in natural flavors like apple cider and pomegranate, in packs of 30 so that you have a month’s supply. You can learn more about DynaWellness here.

CBD can help with both anxiety and depression, as it is said to work like anti-depressants. Besides, most people prefer the natural compound because it has fewer side effects than over-the-counter anti-depressants.

When you take CBD, the compounds interact with different receptors in the brain. For example, when treating depression, CBD positively interacts with serotonin receptors that regulate mood, sleep, and a person’s emotional state.

CBD regulates serotonin levels without directly activating the brain’s endocannabinoid receptors, meaning you are less likely to suffer addiction.

Another cause of depression is anxiety and panic attacks, which CBD is known to help mitigate. Some people take small doses of CBD oil before public speaking to reduce panic disorders.

Who Should Not Take CBD?

CBD oil has many benefits to the human body. Still, these benefits are not guaranteed for everyone. The human body has different chemical compositions, making the product react differently.

It is, therefore, always essential to consult a doctor before taking the compound. The physician will examine your health condition and use your age, weight, and severity of the symptoms to get the correct dosage.

If you are taking other drugs, ensure you consult the doctor also before taking CBD. Some over-the-counter medications have chemical compounds that can have adverse effects on the body when combined with CBD.

Do not give CBD to children. They have delicate bodies, and the effects of the compound can be devastating on them. CBD oil can also pass through breastmilk to the child, so breastfeeding mothers should avoid taking it.

One of the effects of CBD is lowering blood pressure. Therefore, people suffering from low blood pressure should avoid the compound. It causes lightheadedness and drowsiness in these people, and they can easily collapse and die.

CBD Dosage

When you get CBD oil, capsules, or gummies, the first question to ask is how much you should take. Knowing the dosage is important because it prevents one from overdosing. Taking more amounts of CBD than required can have adverse effects.

Visit a doctor and let them determine how much CBD is enough for you. They use your age, weight, and medical condition to determine the correct dosage.

If you start taking CBD without seeing a doctor, start with low amounts. Increase the dosage slowly until you get one that cures your symptoms.

Another factor determining CBD dosage is the method of administration. For example, people taking CBD in oils and tinctures measure the compound differently from those taking it as gummies and nasal sprays.

CBD Side Effects

Human bodies have different chemical compositions, so they react differently to substances. People also suffer various side effects like changes in appetite, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Other people complain of headaches and fatigue.

The side effects do not stay for a long time. They disappear as you get used to the product, and they should not be devastating. If the symptoms are unbearable, seek medical advice.

Final Words

CBD is growing its popularity because of the health benefits it has to the body. As it treats insomnia, relieves chronic pain, and alleviates cancer symptoms, CBD oil also helps with depression. Ensure you seek a doctor’s advice before taking the compound.