You are sitting in your home office finishing up some work when suddenly you have an allergy attack. You decide you will take allergy pills which make you lethargic. You decide to take a nap which turns into taking the rest of the day off. The air in your home or office can definitely affect your productivity and that of anyone of your coworkers.
How Poor Air Quality Affects Workers
There are some extreme effects that air quality has on workers. Asthma attacks are common when a sufferer is exposed to multiple allergens. An asthma attack can result in a hospital visit. It causes the person to feel as though someone is standing on their chest. And it can cause difficulty with walking, breathing, and talking. In some cases, it can cause a person’s skin to cause the skin to turn blue.
Obviously, no one could ever work if they were having an asthma attack. If you are the owner of a business and one of your workers gets sick due to your failure to maintain a healthy work environment, they may decide to sue you.
Not all reactions to allergens are as serious as an asthma attack. Many people will experience what seems like minor symptoms like coughing or sniffling.
Both Ozone and fine particulate matter can lead to an allergic reaction. Although ozone breaks down indoors, it is not uncommon to find fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the air of homes and offices. Whereas ozone has only been shown to cause minor problems with breathing, fine particles have been linked to high blood pressure; irritation in the ear, nose, throat, and lungs. It can also cause headaches and has been shown to reduce test scores for students.
If your work is very physical, you should know that a lot of movement can increase the probability of having side effects from poor air quality. Fortunately, you can easily improve air quality in your office by buying a high quality of air filters and replacing them as needed.
What kind of air filter should I buy?
Quality is very important when it comes to buying filters. The air filter’s quality is measured by a standard called minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV). Any filter has a rating from 1 to 16. It is always a good idea to buy filters that have a minimum of an 8 rating.
Filters that are rated below a 5 tend to be made of fiberglass. They are thin and will just filter out large particles. Filters that are above and 8 tend to be made from cloth. Cloth captures more particles than fiberglass does. Filters that are rated from 13 to 16 are able to remove microns that are only 0.3 big.
Clean air and Coronavirus
The Corona Virus has been know to travel in human saliva microns that are around 2.5 in size. It is very important to have filters in an office that can remove very small micros You can click on this link to find the size and the quality that is right for you: