Bloom Taxonomy sounds like an extremely complex system that only Harvard educators could comprehend. Or is it some type of IRS penalty that would cause fear and panic in the general public? It is actually an educational model in which educators have used a 6 part comprehensive way to instruct students with this learning process. This is important so educators can be on the same page when helping students reach their full potential.
Bloom Taxonomy was a system created and developed by Benjamin Bloom in 1956. So, what exactly is it? When we break it down; it is the skills and objectives in a series of steps that help students become efficient and achieve higher levels of learning as they read information. It is also the ability of students to increase comprehension and apply what they learned towards comprehensive problem solving.
The order students learn is as follows. It begins with the Remember stage and ends with the Create stage:
- Remember the information they learned. And recall it.
- Understand what they learned and make sense of information.
- Apply what they read in a new way.
- Analyze options and organize trends in story or information.
- Evaluate the material and justify a stand.
- Create their own problem solving.
These are Questions that could be asked during this whole process under each category. These particular questions are based on an evaluation from Teacher Vision website asking certain specific questions under each category.
Remember: Who wrote the story?
Understand: What was it about?
Apply: What would you have done?
Analyze: What are some of the factors that caused this person to choose that direction?
Evaluate: Have you faced similar problems how would you handle it?
Create: Can you create a similar scenario discussed in the story with your own solution to the problem.
This system can be used to show the progress students are making in areas and skills that need to be developed for a well rounded education. Bloom Taxonomy helps students tackles issues or engage in problem solving to create innovative solutions.
The data can be analyzed to help students address difficulties with specific areas one on one instruction with teacher.
There are many apps that contain elements of Bloom Taxonomy for parents and teachers to explore with their students and to gain more knowledge. Some deal with the whole 6 part system and others deal with one area or select parts. A few apps such as Schoology, Storify, Trello, Wordle and many others can help parents begin to have a further grasp of every specific area.
Bloom Taxonomy gives us a basic ability to define the core areas of student learning and analyze which areas students struggle with.
Students need to have several methods of dealing with complex subject matter and other issues they may face in the school environment and in the outside world as well.
Following the principles of Bloom Taxonomy, it gives teachers a comprehensive ability to help students solve issues and challenges and have a deeper understanding towards making different choices. Students will become more analytical and evaluate material beyond the surface and enrich their lives as they further their education. This approach must be done, in the order as it was explained; because it is in those following steps that students will receive maximum benefit for their student development and benefits far beyond high school years and towards the end of their collegiate years as well .
In conclusion , this process is the most comprehensive way for students to develop multilayered solutions to difficult issues. There is no need to worry about the tax agent, this model is only used by the education collector for specific student developmental needs.
About the author
Edgar Rider currently works in education as a Para educator in a high school setting. He was a child advocate for a domestic abuse shelter prior to accepting this current position. He has published articles in Teacher Plus, LIfe is An Episode, Teach Magazine, Autism Daily Newscast and Modern Times Magazine. He is known as Eddie on the podcast Eddie and Freddie show.