For some, there’s nothing more exciting than hopping on a plane and jetting off to some far away destination. But, for others, the whole process of traveling, from the busy airport to the anxiety during takeoff, can be extremely stressful.
The good news is that CBD may be the perfect anecdote for anxiety-filled travelers. CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a natural compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. For years, CBD products have been the go-to for treating stress and anxiety without the risk of harmful side effects.
If you’re someone who dreads flying, now is the perfect time to consider packing CBD gummies in your carry-on bag. Here are four benefits of taking CBD gummies, which will make flying a little more enjoyable.
1. Minimize Travel Anxiety
Whether you dread being on a plane, jam-packed airports, or the idea of being in the air for hours, CBD may be helpful in minimizing travel anxiety. This is because CBD works in the body by activating the endocannabinoid system. It lessens the stress response by reducing activity in the amygdala. This is the part of the brain that controls the threat detection system. This system can trigger the body’s fight or flight response.
By impacting brain activity and the threat response system, CBD gummies can be used to change your perception of threats and stressors when traveling by plane. This can make traveling a lot less panicky and stressful.
2. Jet Lag & Sleep
CBD isn’t a sleep aid, but in higher dosages, CBD does have calming effects. If you have a red eye flight or just want to minimize jet lag, taking a few of the highest-rated CBD gummies a few hours before your flight may be able to help.
Many people are unable to sleep on a plane because of stress, anxiety, and fear. By taking CBD, you can calm your mind’s worries and concerns, and get the rest you need. Sleeping on a plane is especially important if you have a long flight, or if you have to adjust to a new time zone.
For those traveling long distances, be sure to take CBD gummies before, during, and after your flight. This way you can keep a steady level of CBD in your body so that you can continue to enjoy the therapeutic effects for the duration of your trip.
3. Lowered Reaction to Irritations
Unless you’re extremely lucky, chances are that your flight will include a few irritants. From crying babies to the passenger next to you who can’t stop talking, there’s plenty of time for you to become irritable and moody.
By taking CBD gummies before your flight, you can take the edge off and reduce irritability when on your flight. CBD interacts with the mood-boosting areas of the brain, which means you may be able to get the relief you need in order to best enjoy your flight.
4. Improved Comfort
Unless you’re flying first class, you know just how uncomfortable airplane seats can be. They aren’t spacious and can cause neck, back, and shoulder pain, especially if you have a long flight.
Along with a travel pillow, the best CBD gummies may also help to lessen the aches and pains you experience when flying. CBD is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Take a few CBD gummies before your flight to keep pain at bay.
Tips for Traveling with CBD
If you’ve decided that CBD gummies are a must-have for your next plane trip, there are some things you’ll want to be aware of. As you begin to plan your trip itinerary and book your excursions, there are some things you’ll also want to do.
Take CBD Long Before Your Flight
First, if you’ve never taken CBD before, you’ll want to start taking gummies a few weeks before your trip. Be sure to start with a low dosage (anywhere from 5mg to 10mg) and slowly increase the dosage until you start to feel effects.
Taking CBD weeks before your flight gives you plenty of time to figure out your ideal dosage so that you can get the relief you want. It takes time for CBD to accumulate in your system, so the sooner you start, the better.
Ensure Your CBD Gummies Are Legal
Travelers must also be aware of rules set forth by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). According to the TSA website, CBD products must contain no more than 0.3% of THC on a dry weight basis. But how do you know how much CBD your gummies contain?
All reputable CBD products offer a certification of analysis (COA). A COA describes all of the compounds in a product, including the existence and amount of certain cannabinoids, including CBD and THC.
As long as the COA states that the product contains less than 0.3% of CBD, the product is completely legal, so you can pack it with you on the plane. FDA approved CBD products are also allowed.
What’s nice about CBD gummies is that they’re convenient and discrete. You can eat them without anyone ever knowing that they contain CBD.
Take CBD Daily
Even after your plane has touched ground and you’ve reached your destination, it’s important that you continue to take CBD throughout the duration of your trip. This way, CBD levels can remain at the levels you need, and you can continue to feel the therapeutic effects, such as minimized stress, anxiety, and inflammation.
Continuing to take CBD gummies throughout your trip also helps to ensure that you experience the same relief on your flight back home. Returning home without stress, aches, and pains makes it much easier to transition back into your daily routine.
For many, traveling can be an anxiety filled experience. There are all sorts of stressors that travelers face, but this doesn’t mean that they have to ruin your flight or trip. With tasty CBD gummies, you can minimize stress and anxiety, while also calming your mind so that you can get the rest you need.
Bon voyage and happy travels!