You may have heard about the chemical solution of hyaluronic acid in many non-invasive cosmetic treatments. It’s a gooey solution that is naturally produced in the body, particularly found in the skin, eyes and connective tissue.

Its main purpose is to retain water in the skin which helps to tissues well moisturized and lubricated. Whilst this may be commonly known as its main benefit, there are also several other benefits that may be surprising to you.

Read on further to discover 5 surprising benefits of hyaluronic acid that you may not have been familiar with and what impact it can have.

It helps to increase healing processes

Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced in the body but it tends to concentrate its efforts when there is some form of wound that has occurred that requires repairing. It helps by controlling the inflammation levels in the body and signalling to the body that it requires building more blood vessels to the damaged area.

Once it repairs the wound, it also helps protect the wound from infection due its antibacterial qualities. This is why it’s commonly used for gum disease treatment as it can eliminate ulcers and speed up the healing process after surgery in the tooth.

Relieve joint pain

A lot of joint pain tends to occur from joints grinding against each other, causing uncomfortable pain in the process. Hyaluronic acid can be found between the joints to help prevent this from occurring, keeping them lubricated and avoiding the joints from rubbing together.

It’s commonly used in patients that suffer from long term osteoarthritis. This is a type of joint disease that causes joints to wear and tear over time. The acid tends to be consumed either orally through supplements or injected directly into the joints to relieve the pain.

Relief of dry eye discomfort

Hyaluronic acid is great for retaining moisture. This is why it tends to be a common treatment for dry eyes which is caused due to a lack of tear production or tears evaporating quickly.

This is why you would find hyaluronic acid in contact lenses and eye drops. It has been known to reduce symptoms of dry eye but also to help reduce inflammation during eye surgery. The acid tends to be most effective when it is applied directly to the eyes but it can also be taken in supplement form if direct insertion is a complication.

If you find that you suffer from dry eye discomfort, products and treatments that contain levels of hyaluronic acid can help eradicate these issues.

Prevent pain in the bladder

Interstitial cystitis is a condition found in some women related to a painful bladder syndrome. The condition causes painful abdominal pains and also has a frequent urge to to urinate.

Due to the qualities of hyaluronic acid, it is known to help provide relief in the condition. It can help to reduce the pain and frequency of urinating when the substance is injected directly into the bladder.

Promotes healthier looking skin

Most commonly, hyaluronic acid is most commonly known for the benefits it has to your skin. It’s a substance that is naturally produced in your body, providing moisture and keeping your skin looking youthful. As you age, however, the amount of acid that your body produces naturally can decrease due to several factors such as ultraviolet ray exposure and pollution.

Hyaluronic acid supplements tend to be taken to prevent this decline in the amount of acid that the body produces. In doing so, it can help to increase skin moisture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

This is also another reason why hyaluronic procedures in cosmetic surgery such as dermal fillers have become common in recent years. As more women become obsessed with trying to reduce their natural ageing process, cosmetic surgery procedures that utilise hyaluronic acid can help to promote this.

Final thoughts

Overall, hyaluronic acid can be beneficial for a range of conditions that tend to be related to skin and joint health. The substance can be injected either directly into the skin or joints or taken through supplements. These can be taken safely orally but it’s important to consult with your doctor before you consider doing this.
About the author

Jennifer Ranking is a medical student based in Manchester. She is currently studying “Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery” at Manchester Metropolitan University and uses the knowledge she learns on the course as well as work experience gained from a local cosmetic surgery to help write her articles. When she’s not studying, however, she enjoys going out with her friends and photography. You can find her on Twitter at @jranking_