How many of us are truly happy? When a person is not happy at their job, in their relationships, with their own self-image, it can affect their health and their whole outlook on life. It may be time to stop looking back and stop looking to some future day and concentrate on the here and now. How can a person be more independent, more satisfied, and happier now? There are many pieces of advice on being happier and more successful in life but perhaps all that advice can be concentrated into three essential steps.
Step One Should be a Life Assessment
Step one of becoming your own man and a happier, more satisfied person should be self-assessment. This assessment can be on different levels. It is mainly deciding who you really are and what you really want. As many as 40% of Americans haven’t found the purpose in their lives. Drifting through life is not a good way to achieve success and happiness. Getting feedback from good friends or trusted family members on ways you could improve is important.
Determining what things are important to you is a good first step. What matters most? What people matter? Does the job or career make you happy? Is being physically healthy important? Do you like sports or hobbies like working on cars, painting, making music, physical fitness activities, or volunteering in the community? If you like working on cars, you might purchase a used car to fix up in your spare time. Places such as Earnhardt Auto Centers have used cars and car parts to consider.
If music or art is important, make time for them and even take adult classes to learn how to improve your skills. If you get pleasure from physical fitness activities, look for a health club or a local gym to join. Volunteering is a great way to gain friends and satisfaction. If the current job is not making you happy, look for a better job for you. Bone up your skills and update your resume’. Now is the time to seek satisfaction and happiness, not next year or 10 years from now.
Step Two: Set Positive Goals
After your self-assessment, make specific plans to go after the things that are important to you. Start with a couple of easy goals, then build up to add goals to get what you want in life. Writing down a list of goals will be the first step to making them happen. Start by writing down your core values and the behaviors you want to adopt or change. Then think of specific ways to achieve these goals. Keep the list short and have achievable standards. The way to manage to change oneself is to aim small. Have some behaviors that should be stopped and additional behaviors that should be started.
Step Three: Evaluate Your Progress
Take time on a regular basis to evaluate your behaviors and your life. Have things improved in specific ways? This will involve getting feedback from others and doing some self-evaluation of how your life has changed and how successful you view your behavioral changes. The goals that were written down will be a good guide. When you have accomplished one set of behavioral goals, move on to a new goal or goals. Improve one small step at a time so there is less chance of becoming overwhelmed and giving up.
Each small goal should lead to a certain degree of satisfaction or life improvement. This could include, changing jobs, getting a different apartment or home, making new friends, stopping bad habits such as drinking too much or smoking. It could mean setting up a physical fitness plan that includes a healthier diet and an exercise regimen. Life improvement should be the ultimate goal.